Allometric power laws in NZ mountain beech forests

Using above-ground biomass to measure the biomass of individual trees, we tested three power laws (Taylor's law; density-mass allometry; and variance-mass allometry) using 10 censuses of New Zealand mountain beech trees in 250 plots over 30 years on spatial scales ranging from 5 m to kilometers.

The data support an article in Oikos : "Taylor's law and related allometric power laws in New Zealand mountain beech forests: the roles of space, time, and the environment" by Joel E. Cohen, Jiangshan Lai, David A. Coomes, and Robert B. Allen. 2016. (

These resources (data files) represent snapshots of data extracted from the National Vegetation Databank (NVS) for analysis supporting this manuscript. NVS is a living database, and data are subject to error correction and other amendments over time. The most current version of the Oikos paper data can be constructed from the folowing files found on the NVS website :

  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 1974-1975 Stem diameter
  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 1976-1977 Stem diameter
  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 1978-1979 Stem diameter
  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 1980-1981 Stem diameter
  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 1983-1984 Stem diameter
  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 1985-1986 Stem diameter
  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 1987-1988 Stem diameter
  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 1993-1994 Stem diameter
  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 1999-2000 Stem diameter
  • HARPER/AVOCA FOREST 2004-2005 Stem diameter

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Cohen, Joel E. & Lai, Jiangshan & Coomes, David A. & Allen, Robert B.
Maintainer Rob Allen
Maintainer Email Rob Allen
Source Created Unknown
Source Modified Unknown
Language English
Spatial { "type": "Polygon","coordinates": [[[171.3938765526,-43.1762299819],[171.3938765526,-43.0241013542],[171.755897522,-43.0241013542],[171.755897522,-43.1762299819],[171.3938765526,-43.1762299819]]] }
Source Identifier
Dataset metadata created 1 February 2024, last updated 1 February 2024