Allometric power laws in NZ mountain beech forests
Data and Resources
New field dataCSV
Mountain beech tree diameter data from 250 Harper Avoca permanent plots given by plot (quadrat) and 16 subplots within plots. Diameters are in mm.
Site dataCSV
Site characterisitcs for 250 Harper Avoca permanent plots given by plot (plot.identifier) as well as line and plot number. Also given are available Ca, N% and C% in the upper 10 cm of mineral soil...
Sitegroup dataCSV
The 250 plots (site) as grouped into 13 geographic blocks.
Field definitions for the 3 data files
Metadata - Spatial arrangement of subplotsPDF
Description of plot spatial arrangement.
Code for creating blocks.rR
R script to compute matrix of distance among sites followed by Ward's minimum variance clustering
Code for DMA.rR
R script for Density Mass Allometry (DMA)
Code for sample moments.rR
R script to compute and graph the frequency histogram of tree population density.
Code for TL.rR
R script for Taylor's law (TL).
Code for VMA.rR
R script for Variance-Mass Allometry (VMA)
Zip file of allometry datasetZIP
Zip file containing all the data files and code for ease of download. Refer to the readme and licence file contained within for contents and licence permission.
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Theme | |
Author | Cohen, Joel E. & Lai, Jiangshan & Coomes, David A. & Allen, Robert B. |
Maintainer | Rob Allen |
Maintainer Email | Rob Allen |
Source | |
Source Created | Unknown |
Source Modified | Unknown |
Language | English |
Spatial | { "type": "Polygon","coordinates": [[[171.3938765526,-43.1762299819],[171.3938765526,-43.0241013542],[171.755897522,-43.0241013542],[171.755897522,-43.1762299819],[171.3938765526,-43.1762299819]]] } |
Source Identifier |