5 datasets found

  • Bore Logs

    Northland Regional Council
    Location of bore sites and their logs in the Northland Region. The bore sites are drilled and tested to determine the best location for a bore site, which then requires a permit/consent for use.
    Created 3 May 2022 Updated 2 June 2022
  • Petroleum Exploration Geoscience Initiative Sites

    GNS Science
    PEGI (Petroleum Exploration Geoscience Initiative) well and outcrop point locations
    Created 10 August 2020 Updated 10 February 2021
  • Well Sheet View

    GNS Science
    This layer shows petroleum wells for which GNS has compiled graphical presentations of downhole well information such as lithology, stratigraphy, geochemical sampling and geophysical logs. It is a view based on the Petroleum Wells dataset and is updated spasmodically as new well sheets are created.
    Created 10 August 2020 Updated 10 February 2021
  • Bore Logs

    Northland Regional Council
    Location of bore sites and their logs in the Northland Region. The bore sites are drilled and tested to determine the best location for a bore site, which then requires a permit/consent for use.
    Created 16 August 2020 Updated 16 August 2020
  • nzgd investigation logs

    Earthquake Commission
    New Zealand Geotechnical Database Locations This dataset provides the New Zealand Geotechnical Database locations and high level details to enable a viewer to link to the New Zealand Geotechnical Database website (the NZGD). The NZGD is a web-based service owned by the Earthquake Commission on behalf of the Crown. The NZGD has been established to...
    Created 7 January 2020 Updated 12 February 2020
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).