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473 datasets found
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BN35
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BQ35
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BR34
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BN34
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BQ34
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BP34
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BP33
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BQ32
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BQ33
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BP35
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BP36
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Detailed Wairarapa Streams - Sheet BN36
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset is one of several segments of a regional high detailed stream flowpath dataset. The data was separated using the TOPO 50 map series extents.The stream network was originally created for the purpose of high detailed work along rivers and streams in the Wellington region. It was started as a pilot study for the Mangatarere subcatchment of the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Fault avoidance zones in Porirua, NZ
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilPorirua District is traversed by three active faults: the Ohariu, Pukerua, and Moonshine faults. In recognition of the surface rupture hazard posed by these faults, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Porirua City Council commissioned GNS Science for a reassessment and update of the fault traces.A review was undertaken of all existing data. Fault...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Fault zones for the Martinborough Fault, Wairarapa, NZ
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilAlong the 1.5 km lengthof the Martinborough Fault a zone has been defined that encompasses the area of most intense folding. This zone is 300-450 m wide, and, using the terminology in the MfE guidelines, it is attributed as having a Distributed Fault Complexity. This zone of deformation has been extended to the northeast and southwest across younger...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Proposed Natural Resources Plan - Lowland Areas For Category 2 Surface...
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilMap of lowland areas for category 2 surface waterbodies in the Wellington Region for the management of rivers and streams in productive rural lowland areas.Pertains to Policy P99: Livestock access to surface water bodies and Rule R97: Access to the beds of surface water bodies by livestock - permitted activity. Other provisions may apply, please consult...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Regional Coastline MHWS10
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilMean High Water Springs-10 (MHWS10) line for the Greater Wellington Region, NZ. MHWS10 is the mean high water spring tide exceeded 10 percent of the time. It is often used as a practical high tide level for infrastructure design works, and also for estimating extreme high (e.g. the 100-year Average Recurrence Interval) storm tides.Line extracted from a...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Managed Open Space
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis data set has been created for the Wellington Regional Strategy - Open Space Planning Working Group. The data captured in this data set is derived from the Open Space Planning Matrix 2009. This matrix is used to assess all areas of open space for all councils in the Wellington Region (TLA, DOC and Queen Elizabeth Trust) to determine the predominant...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Pakuratahi Forest Park Boundary
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThe boundary for the Pakuratahi Forest in the Greater Wellington Park network. For information regarding the activities present within the Park, check out the GWRC website through the links in the attribute table.The boundaries are based on the LINZ Parcel boundaries which have been merged together to get the features shown. The data is updated on an 'as...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Resource Consents
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis datasets shows the locations of activities that require approval from GWRC under the proposed Natural Resources Plan. For more information on the types of consent that are recorded in this dataset, go to our Resource Consents page on our website.The data is updated on a nightly basis from the GWRC Environmental Regulation database. They show the...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Wellington Region Tsunami Evacuation Zones
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilTsunami evacuation maps containing three zones; red, orange and yellow, corresponding to different threat levels for the development of tsunami evacuation plans, public awareness, self evacuation and official civil defence emergency management or emergency services evacuations in the event of a tsunami. The zones were digitised onto orthophoto coverage...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020
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