179 datasets found

  • Wairoa River Bank Stability Offset Boundaries

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    In 2009 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd were engaged by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to undertake a preliminary assessment of the bank stability over a 12km reach of the lower Wairoa River, extending from approximately 3km downstream to 9km upstream of the SH2 bridge in Wairoa town.The purpose of the study is to provide a preliminary assessment of the existing...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay Inactive Faults Arc

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset is the inactive faults data for New Zealand. The dataset is a product of the QMAP Geological Map of New Zealand Project and was produced by GNS Science. It represents the most current mapping of faults for New Zealand in a single dataset at a scale of 1:250 000. The dataset is stored in an ESRI vector geodatabase and exported to Geoserver....
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay RCEP Transition Hazard Zone

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    The Hawke's Bay Regional Council commissioned Tonkin & Taylor Ltd to undertake a regional hazard assessment using high resolution aerial survey of large areas of the cliff coastline and georeferenced photogrammetric analysis was carried out for other areas, enabling mapping of Cliff shore hazard zones along the Hawke's Bay coastline. Where areas of...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay Stopbanks

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Council maintains a network of stopbanks, hydraulic structures and pump stations, as well as managing the river, stream and drainage channels to ensure they work as expected during floods. The overall aim is to reduce the risk of flood and erosion damage while maintaining a high quality river environment. The stopbanks on the major rivers are designed to...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay Earthquake Amplification

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset is a subset of data, prepared by the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences for the Hawke's Bay Regional Council, designed to help the Council plan to reduce the adverse impacts of future earthquakes. This data set refers to polygons in Hawke's Bay within each of which the ground has been assigned a uniform class of response to seismic...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay Quaternary Geology

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset is a component of a much larger dataset, compiled by the Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences for the Hawke's Bay Regional Council. This component refers to polygons in the Hawkes Bay Region within which the outcropping rocks are of Quaternary age and of one class. Each polygon is associated with a code indicating the class of the...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Wairoa River Bank Stability Zones

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    In 2009 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd were engaged by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to undertake a preliminary assessment of the bank stability over a 12km reach of the lower Wairoa River, extending from approximately 3km downstream to 9km upstream of the SH2 bridge in Wairoa town.The purpose of the study is to provide a preliminary assessment of the existing...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay Tsunami Near Source Inundation Extent

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Tsunami (pronounced tsu - nam - ee) is a Japanese word meaning 'harbour wave'. It describes a series of fast travelling waves caused by large disturbances on the ocean floor, such as earthquakes, landslides or volcanic eruptions. In the deep ocean tsunami pass almost unnoticed, but as they approach land and therefore shallower coastal waters, they change...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay RCEP CliffShore Hazard Zone

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    The Hawke's Bay Regional Council commissioned Tonkin & Taylor to undertake a regional hazard assessment using high resolution aerial survey of large areas of the cliff coastline and georeferenced photogrammetric analysis was carried out for other areas, enabling mapping of Cliff - shore hazard zones along the Hawke's Bay coastlineA delineation of the...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay Flood Risk Areas

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Much of the settled Hawke’s Bay region is low lying and built on river flood plains. This brings the risk of flooding, which is our most common natural hazard - a severe storm or flood happens every 10 years on average. Major storms affect wide areas and can be accompanied by strong winds, heavy rain or snowfall, thunder, lightning, and rough seas. They...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Rohe Moana

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    A coastal and marine area over which an iwi or a hapū exercises its mana and its kaitiakitanga. Kaitiaki are appointed for the management of customary food gathering within the area/rohe.Relates to RMA s61(2A)(b) and RMA s66(2A)(b) When a regional council is preparing or changing a regional policy statement or Regional Plan, the council must take into...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust Statutory Acknowledgement Waterways

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Maungaharuru-Tangitu hapu statutory acknowledgements waterways. A statutory acknowledgement is a formal recognition made by the Crown of a claimant groups particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association with a specific area (statutory area) owned by the Crown. Statutory acknowledgements relate to specific areas of importance (known...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Maungaharuru Tangitu Statutory Acknowledgement Reefs

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Maungaharuru-Tangitu Hapu statutory acknowledgement areas. A statutory acknowledgement is a formal recognition made by the Crown of a claimant groups particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association with a specific area (statutory area) owned by the Crown. Statutory acknowledgements relate to specific areas of importance (known as...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust Statutory Acknowledgement Areas

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Maungaharuru-Tangitu Hapu statutory acknowledgement areas. A statutory acknowledgement is a formal recognition made by the Crown of a claimant groups particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association with a specific area (statutory area) owned by the Crown. Statutory acknowledgements relate to specific areas of importance (known as...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay RCEP Coastal Hazard Zone 1

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset represents the location and extent of the inland boundary of ‘Coastal Hazard Zone 1’ (CHZ1) identified in the Hawke's Bay Regional Coastal Environment Plan 2013 (‘RCEP’). The RCEP has been prepared for the purposes of assisting the Hawke's Bay Regional Council with its roles and responsibilities under the Resource Management Act. Any party...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Harbour Management Area

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Generally covers the operational area of the Port of Napier, but it does not apply any further landward than mean high water springs. Management areas are a means of recognising and providing for areas with different qualities, values and specific needs within Hawke's Bay’s coastal environment. These management areas have specific provisions which apply...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay Coastal Environment

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    The Coastal Environment means an environment in which the coast is a significant element or part, and includes: (a) the coastal marine area; (b) any areas identified as being affected by, or potentially affected by, coastal flooding or coastal erosion; (c) any of the following: (i) tidal waters and the land above mean high water springs; (ii) dunes; (iii)...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay RCEP Coastal Hazard Zone 2

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset represents the location and extent of the inland boundary of ‘Coastal Hazard Zone 2’ (CHZ2) identified in the Hawke's Bay Regional Coastal Environment Plan 2013 (‘RCEP’). The RCEP has been prepared for the purposes of assisting the Hawke's Bay Regional Council with its roles and responsibilities under the Resource Management Act. Any party...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay RCEP Coastal Hazard Zone 3

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset represents the inland boundaries of ‘Transition Hazard Zones’ (THZ1 and THZ2) identified in the Hawke's Bay Regional Coastal Environment Plan 2013. The RCEP has been prepared for the purposes of assisting the Hawke's Bay Regional Council with its roles and responsibilities under the Resource Management Act. Any party relying on this...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Heretaunga Ruataniwha Aquifer System

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    An aquifer fills with water from rain or melted snow that drains into the ground. In some areas, the water passes through the soil on top of the aquifer; in others, it enters through joints and cracks in rocks. The water moves downward until it meets less permeable rock. Aquifers act as reservoirs for groundwater. Water from aquifers sometimes flows out...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
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