5 datasets found

  • Datasets listed on data.govt.nz

    Quarterly listing of the metadata of all datasets listed on data.govt.nz. For real time data use the data.govt.nz API endpoint (note: this has a hard limit of 1000 results per request). To perform your own exports of CSV you can make use of the CKANAPI-Exporter tool.
    Created 4 July 2017 Updated 7 May 2021
  • Prototype government organisation register (OGP 2018-2020 commitment 11)

    Prototype dataset of New Zealand government organisations. This supports the Open Government Partnership 2018-2020 action plan, commitment 11. The dataset includes fields such as legal title, Te Reo Māori name, addresses, and associated Chief Executives and Ministers. It also allows for the modeling of subsidiary organisations and change in the...
    Created 6 December 2018 Updated 21 August 2019
  • Data.govt.nz community feedback survey

    Regular data.govt.nz data community feedback used to help improve data.govt.nz over time. Survey is run every 6-12 months to help populate and prioritise the backlog of enhancements to the data.govt.nz service. All submissions are collected anonymously. You can always provide feedback to the data.govt.nz team via the feedback form at...
    Created 1 December 2017 Updated 4 November 2018
  • Register of New Zealand data use examples

    This register consists of community contributed examples of the use of New Zealand open data. Examples include links to data visualisations, source code and documentation aimed to help others learn more about making use of our valuable open data resources. To contribute please see documentation at https://github.com/data-govt-nz/NZdataExamples#adding-...
    Created 17 October 2018 Updated 17 October 2018
  • Open government data dashboard survey results

    The Open Government Data Dashboard (OGDD) is a web application for providing dynamic visualisations of the New Zealand Open Data Maturity Survey results that are based on the Open Data Maturity Model developed by the Open Data Institute. This contains the processed survey data that powers the dashboard.
    Created 21 August 2018 Updated 3 September 2018
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).