25 datasets found

  • New Zealand Antarctic Institute Chief Executive Expenses

    Antarctica New Zealand
    Chief Executive Expenses for the New Zealand Antarctic Institute (Antarctica New Zealand)
    Created 27 February 2017 Updated 29 July 2024
  • Diatom Based Sea Surface Temperatures Over the Last 40 kyrs in Sediment Core...

    Antarctica New Zealand
    Diatom census counts were used to quantitatively estimate summer sea-surface temperatures (SST) over the last 40,000 years in core MD11-3353, collected in 2011 on board the R.V. Marion Dusfresne west of Kerguelen Island, Southern Ocean. The transfer function used to reconstruct summer (January to March) SST is the Modern Analog Technique that here uses...
    Created 8 July 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • Ross Ice Shelf Cavity Ocean Data

    Antarctica New Zealand
    Here we provide data from the Ross Ice Shelf ocean cavity. The HWD2 Camp was established in October of 2017 at (-80 39.497, 174 27.678) where the ice is moving seaward at around ~600 m a-1 and is sourced from the Transantarctic Mountains. Profiling Instruments - Profiling was primarily conducted with an RBR Concerto CTD (conductivity-temperature depth)...
    Created 8 July 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Mooring Data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue South 2017

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between Korea Polar Research Institute and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed to the south of the Drygalski Ice Tongue (lat:-75.488417, lon:163.174350) on 12 February 2017 as a part of the ANA07C research cruise, and it was recovered on 7 March 2018. To monitor physical properties (Temperature, Salinity, Current) of ocean water...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Deep Mooring Data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue 2022

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between the Korea Polar Research Institute and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed close to the bottom depth near the Drygalski Ice Tongue (lat:-75.275700, lon:164.067300) on March 2020, and it was recovered on March 2022 (ANA12D research cruise) To monitor physical properties (Temperature, Salinity, Current) of deep water near...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Mooring Data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue North 2017

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between Korea Polar Research Institute and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed to the North of the Drygalski Ice Tongue (lat:-75.360767, lon:164.746467) on 9 February 2017 as a part of the ANA07C research cruise, and it was recovered on 5 March 2018. To monitor physical properties (Temperature, Salinity, Current) of ocean water in...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • Adélie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) Census Data Using Aerial Digital...

    Antarctica New Zealand
    Aerial reconnaissance and photography are used in the Ross Sea sector of Antarctica to determine the breeding locations of Adélie penguins and to count the numbers of nests occupied during the early incubation period. From 1981 to present (two-year embargo), all islands and sea coasts between 158°E and 175°E have been searched, and 11 previously...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • Climate Data (Wind Speed and Direction, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity,...

    Antarctica New Zealand
    Climate data have been collected at Scott Base continuously since 1957 and more recently from Arrival Heights and is one of the longest continuous climate records in Antarctica. Climate parameters measured include: wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, and global, diffuse and direct solar radiation. Climate...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • Antarctic Toothfish Survey, Ross Sea

    Antarctica New Zealand
    Knowledge of recruitment dynamics, and in particular trends in recruitment and recruitment variability, are key inputs for integrated assessments of fish stocks. A quantitative longline survey monitoring the recruitment of Antarctic toothfish (Dissotichus mawsoni) in the southern Ross Sea was started in 2012. The survey was expanded in 2016 to monitor...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Deep Mooring Data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue 2018

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between Korea Polar Research Institute and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed close to the bottom depth near the Drygalski Ice Tongue (lat:-75.275700, lon:164.067300) on 9 March 2018 as a part of the ANA08C research cruise, and it was recovered on 3 January 2019. To monitor physical properties (Temperature, Salinity, Current) of...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Mooring Data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue North 2015

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between Korea Polar Research Institute and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed to the North of the Drygalski Ice Tongue (lat:-75.360083, lon:164.748633) on 12 December 2014 as a part of the ANA05A research cruise, and it was recovered on 10 December 2015. To monitor physical properties (Temperature, Salinity, Current) of ocean...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Mooring Data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue North 2018

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between Korea Polar Research Institute and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed to the North of the Drygalski Ice Tongue (-75.360083, lon:164.748633) on 3 March 2018 as a part of the ANA08C research cruise, and it was recovered on 4 January 2019. To monitor physical properties (Temperature, Salinity, Current) of ocean water in the...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • Very Low Frequency Radio Observations of Lightning Discharges at Scott Base,...

    Antarctica New Zealand
    The WWLLN Very Low Frequency (VLF) Radio Sensor was installed at Scott Base in November 2015 by Dr. James Brundell and Ms. Emma Douma as part of Antarctica New Zealand Event K060-1516-A. The sensor measures the electric field in the Very Low Frequency radio range (~500 Hz-50 kHz) and passes it to a PC which processes the data for the experiments. The...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Deep Mooring Data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue 2018

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between the Korea Polar Research Institute and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed close to the bottom depth near the Drygalski Ice Tongue (lat:-75.275700, lon:164.067300) on 9 March 2018 as a part of the ANA08C research cruise, and it was recovered on 3 January 2019 To monitor physical properties(Temperature, Salinity, Current)...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • Middle Frequency Radar Measurements: Dynamics and Ionisation in the...

    Antarctica New Zealand
    Our studies investigate the Antarctic middle atmosphere’s response to natural and man-made factors which change climate. The dynamical processes of this region are significant in controlling the circulation at lower altitudes, including the stratospheric ozone layer. The feedbacks in the atmosphere, couple this change to climate change at the surface. The...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Mooring Data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue North 2022

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between the Korea Polar Research Institute and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed to the North of the Drygalski Ice Tongue (lat:-75.360767, lon:164.746467) on March 2020, and it was recovered on March 2022 (ANA12D research cruise). To monitor physical properties (Temperature, Salinity, Current) of ocean water in the north of the...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Deep Mooring Data in the Drygalski Ice Tongue 2017

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between the Korea Polar Research Institute and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed close to the bottom depth near the Drygalski Ice Tongue (lat:-75.275700, lon:164.067300) on 5 February 2017 as a part of the ANA07C research cruise, and it was recovered on 5 March 2018. To monitor physical properties (Temperature, Salinity,...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • NIWA Oceanographic Deep Mooring Data in the Drygalski Basin (Deep Trough) 2018

    Antarctica New Zealand
    In collaboration between Korea Polar Research Institute LDEO and NIWA, an oceanographic mooring was deployed close to the bottom depth in the Drygalski Basin (lat:-75.010487, lon:165.555680) on 6 March 2018 as a part of the ANA08C research cruise, and it was recovered on 5 January 2019. To monitor physical properties (Temperature, Salinity, Current) of...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • Ocean-ice data from an Antarctic ice shelf water plume flowing beneath...

    Antarctica New Zealand
    Data from a measurement campaign examining the oceanic connection between an ice shelf cavity and sea ice. Here we present data from the ocean boundary-layer in an Ice Shelf Water outflow region from the Ross/McMurdo Ice Shelves. From a fast ice field camp during the Spring of 2015, we captured the kinematics of free-floating relatively large (in some...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
  • Very Low Frequency Radio Observations of Lightning Discharges at Arrival...

    Antarctica New Zealand
    The AARDDVARK/WWLLN Very Low Frequency (VLF) Radio Sensor was installed at Arrival Heights from 10-15 December 2008 by Dr Craig J. Rodger and Dr. James Brundell as part of Antarctica New Zealand Event K069a. The sensor measures the magnetic field in the Very Low Frequency radio range (~500 Hz-50 kHz), and passes it to a PC which processes the data for the...
    Created 8 September 2023 Updated 8 September 2023
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