13 datasets found

  • Ministry of Social Development Chief Executive Expenses

    Ministry of Social Development
    Ministry of Social Development Chief Executive Expenses
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 11 August 2024
  • Social housing register - December 2017

    Ministry of Social Development
    When New Zealanders are in need of public housing, their needs are recorded on either the Housing Register or the Transfer Register. The numbers of applications on both registers are published on a quarterly basis, and the combined register is referred to as the Social Housing Register. The Housing Register represents applicants not currently in public...
    Created 1 February 2018 Updated 17 May 2018
  • Benefit fact sheets - December 2017

    Ministry of Social Development
    The Benefit Fact Sheets provide a high-level view of trends in benefit receipt. The Benefit Fact Sheets provide breakdowns of overall numbers, where appropriate, by recipient demographics (eg gender, ethnicity, age group, continuous duration of benefit) and location (ie Work and Income region and service centre, regional council, and territorial...
    Created 17 January 2018 Updated 18 April 2018
  • Social housing register - September 2017

    Ministry of Social Development
    When New Zealanders are in need of social housing, their needs are recorded on either the Housing Register or the Transfer Register. The numbers of applications on both registers are published on a quarterly basis, and the combined register is referred to as the Social Housing Register. The Housing Register represents applicants not currently in social...
    Created 9 November 2017 Updated 1 February 2018
  • Benefit fact sheets - September 2017

    Ministry of Social Development
    The Benefit Fact Sheets provide a high-level view of trends in benefit receipt. The Benefit Fact Sheets provide breakdowns of overall numbers, where appropriate, by recipient demographics (eg gender, ethnicity, age group, continuous duration of benefit) and location (ie Work and Income region and service centre, regional council, and territorial...
    Created 18 October 2017 Updated 17 January 2018
  • Social housing register - June 2017

    Ministry of Social Development
    When New Zealanders are in need of social housing, their needs are recorded on either the Housing Register or the Transfer Register. The numbers of applications on both registers are published on a quarterly basis, and the combined register is referred to as the Social Housing Register. The Housing Register represents applicants not currently in social...
    Created 8 June 2017 Updated 9 November 2017
  • Benefit fact sheets - June 2017

    Ministry of Social Development
    The Benefit Fact Sheets provide a high-level view of trends in benefit receipt. The Benefit Fact Sheets provide breakdowns of overall numbers, where appropriate, by recipient demographics (eg gender, ethnicity, age group, continuous duration of benefit) and location (ie Work and Income region and service centre, regional council, and territorial...
    Created 9 June 2017 Updated 18 October 2017
  • Social housing register - March 2017

    Ministry of Social Development
    When New Zealanders are in need of social housing, their needs are recorded on either the Housing Register or the Transfer Register. The numbers of applications on both registers are published on a quarterly basis, and the combined register is referred to as the Social Housing Register. The Housing Register represents applicants not currently in social...
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 20 July 2017
  • Benefit fact sheets - March 2017

    Ministry of Social Development
    The Benefit Fact Sheets provide a high-level view of trends in benefit receipt. The Benefit Fact Sheets provide breakdowns of overall numbers, where appropriate, by recipient demographics (eg gender, ethnicity, age group, continuous duration of benefit) and location (ie Work and Income region and service centre, regional council, and territorial...
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 20 July 2017
  • Child Youth and Family - Key Statistics

    Ministry of Social Development
    Statistics on Child Youth and Families care and protection of children, residential placements, group conferences, and caregivers. CYF was part of MSD until April 2017. Below you can find links to the XLSX spreadsheets that we produce, as well as links to the supporting commentary webpages. Please note that we do not produce machine readable files for...
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 12 June 2017
  • The Social Report 2016

    Ministry of Social Development
    The social report has four key aims: to report on social indicators that complement existing economic and environmental indicators; to compare New Zealand with other countries on measures of wellbeing; to contribute to better-informed public debate; to aid planning and decision making and to help identify key areas for action.
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 10 April 2017
  • Better Public Services - Result 1: Reducing long-term welfare dependence

    Ministry of Social Development
    Result One headline indicator data- People continuously receiving Jobseeker Support benefits for over 12 months.
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 10 April 2017
  • Better Public Services - Result 4: Supporting vulnerable children

    Ministry of Social Development
    Result Four headline indicator data- Number of children experiencing substantiated physical abuse (in a 12 month period).
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 10 April 2017
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