110 datasets found

  • Antarctic Biodiversity Studies 2006 - Ross Sea, Scott Island, and Balleny...

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    The MFish survey plan was two fold. First was the collection of underway data during transits and while the geophysical survey was progressing. These data included towing a continuous plankton recorder during transits, continual surface fluorescence measurements, water temperature and salinity measurements, recording data from the 120khz echo sounder, sea...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
  • New Zealand Near Shore Reef Fishes Feature Layer

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    Species composition and richness of near-shore reef fish faunas around northern New Zealand were examined at different spatial scales. This comparison indicated a primary subdivision of faunas into three regional biogeographic groups: western North Island coast; north-eastern North Island coast and offshore islands; and Three Kings Islands. The western...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
  • Indian ocean ostracods

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    This dataset contains occurrence records of ostracods from the family Halocyprididae from the northwestern Indian Ocean. These data are based upon records of samples collected by the U.S. Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics program, Netherlands Indian Ocean Program, the U.S. Joint Global Ocean Flux Study.Citation: v Southwestern Pacific OBIS (2014). Ostracods...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
  • Cairns 2004 corals

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    A total of 237 species of azooxanthellate Scleractinia are reported for the Australian region, including seamounts off the eastern coast. This study was based on approximately 5500 previously unreported specimens collected from 500 localities, as well as a re-examination of most of the types and previously reported specimens from the Australian...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
  • Sympatry of two coral species complexes

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    The identification of species is one of the most basic, and yet critically important, issues in biology with far-reaching potential implications for fields such as biodiversity conservation, population ecology and epidemiology. Morphology has long been the primary tool biologists have used to categorize life. However, we now know that a significant...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
  • Ross Sea Biodiversity Survey 2004 (BioRoss)

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    Marine biological data from the 2004 voyage of the R/V Tangaroa (TAN0402) to the Ross Sea, Antarctica. The main objective of the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries project (BioRoss) was to carry out a quantitative survey of the biodiversity of selected marine communities in the Ross Sea region, including the Balleny...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
  • Biota occurrence data from plankton surveys around New Zealand

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    The dataset contains details of the biota caught during plankton surveys around New Zealand and the south western Pacific although some occurrence data is included from other oceans sourced from the digitisation of journal articles from New Zealand authors. A large source from this dataset is provided by the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries from...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
  • Distribution of surface phytoplankton between New Zealand and Antarctica,...

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    During the Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1955-1958, the distribution of phytoplankton in the southern ocean and Ross Sea was investigated from fifty-seven samples taken at roughly 30-mile intervals between southern New Zealand and McMurdo Sound. The greatest diversity of species occurred between 55° and 60°S, just north of the Antarctic Convergence. Maximum...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
  • Rhodolith Beds in Northern New Zealand

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    The ecology of subtidal rhodolith beds has been investigated for the first time in New Zealand, characterising two rhodolith species, Lithothamnion crispatum and Sporolithon durum, examining the structure and physical characteristics of beds at two locations and documenting their associated biodiversity. Site and characteristics: Field work was conducted...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
  • The ceratioid anglerfishes (Lophiiformes: Ceratioidei) of New Zealand

    National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
    Ceratioid anglerfishes collected from New Zealand waters are reviewed on the basis of all known material. Twenty species in nine genera and six families are recognised; nine species represent new records for the region, and one species of Oneirodes is described as new to science. Diagnostic and descriptive data are given with notes on geographical...
    Created 3 June 2020 Updated 3 June 2020
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