This dataset contains counts for urban accessibility geography by region for selected variables from the 2018, 2013, and 2006 censuses. Estimated resident populations for 1996–2020 are also included.
Urban accessibility measures the degree of urban influence New Zealand’s urban areas have on surrounding rural areas. It classifies the geographic accessibility of rural statistical area 1s (SA1s) and small urban areas according to their proximity, or degree of remoteness, to larger urban areas. To find out more about the urban accessibility classification see Urban accessibility – methodology and classification.
The urban accessibility categories are:
· major urban area – 100,000 or more residents
· large urban area – 30,000–99,999 residents
· medium urban area – 10,000–29,999 residents
· high urban accessibility – small urban areas (1,000–9,999 residents) and rural SA1s within 0 to 15 minutes from major urban areas
· medium urban accessibility – small urban areas and rural SA1s within: 15 to 25 minutes from major urban areas, 0 to 25 minutes from large urban areas, 0 to 15 minutes from medium urban areas
· low urban accessibility – small urban areas and rural SA2s within: 25 to 60 minutes from major or large urban areas, 15 to 60 minutes from medium urban areas
· remote – small urban areas and rural SA1s within 60 to 120 minutes from major, large, or medium urban areas
· very remote – small urban areas and rural SA1s more than 120 minutes from major, large, or medium urban areas
· water areas – inland water, inlet, oceanic.
The dataset uses geographic boundaries (SA1, urban area, regional council) as at 1 January 2018. For explanation of geographies see Statistical standard for geographic areas 2018.
Included in this dataset:
· estimated resident population at 30 June 1996-2020
· 2006, 2013, and 2018 Census usually resident population and sex
· 2018 Census usually resident: age (10-year groups), median age, ethnic group, birthplace, work and labour force status, status in employment, occupation, industry, highest qualification, sources of personal income, total personal income (grouped), median income, individual home ownership, languages spoken, religious affiliation, main means of travel to work by usual residence address, main means of travel to education by usual residence address, New Zealand Index of deprivation
· 2018 Census dwellings: dwelling type, main types of heating used, dwelling dampness, dwelling mould
· 2018 Census households: tenure of household, access to telecommunication systems; number of motor vehicles.
The data uses fixed random rounding to protect confidentiality. Some counts of less than 6 are suppressed according to 2018 confidentiality rules. Values of ‘-999’ indicate suppressed data.
Medians are calculated from unrounded counts, with input noise added to or subtracted from each contributing value during measures calculation. Medians based on less than six individuals are suppressed.
For further information on this dataset please refer to the 2018 Census urban accessibility dataset on the 2018 Census webpage - Excel workbook (including data quality ratings and footnotes).