NZSoSDEM v1.0 is a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) covering the whole of New Zealand at a spatial resolution of 15m, created by the School of Surveying by interpolating LINZ topographic vector data.
The DEM was created as a series of 30 maps which extent correspond exactly with the LINZ Topo250 topographic map series. Smaller regions can thus be obtained individually but also fit together seamlessly to create a full countrywide DEM.
The accuracy of this product was comprehensively assessed using a statistically sound selection of 3791 check points throughout the country. The comparison of results with other available country-wide DEM demonstrate an improvement of NZDEM_SoS_v1.0 in terms of quality that comes in addition with a finer spatial resolution.
A full description of the interpolation/assessment process can be found in the attached documentation: Columbus, J.; Sirguey, P. & Tenzer, R. (2011), 'A free, fully assessed 15-m DEM for New Zealand', Survey Quarterly 66, 16-19.