Tertiary Student Retention
Ministry of EducationThe proportion of full-time tertiary education students who started study in a particular year, who were still studying in the following year(s) at the same qualification level or higher, or who had completed a qualification.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Tertiary - Summary Tables
Ministry of EducationData about participation in tertiary by students and participation in tertiary education, qualification completion, operating revenue and surplus by providers.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Tertiary - Retention and Achievement
Ministry of EducationStatistics relating to attainment, attrition, retention and completion of students at tertiary education providers and through industry training.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Tertiary - Resources
Ministry of EducationStatistics relating to the funding and resourcing of tertiary education in New Zealand, including tuition subsidies, tuition fees and staffing.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Tertiary - Financial Support for Students
Ministry of EducationStatistics relating to financial support for tertiary students including student loans, allowances and scholarships.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Teaching Staff
Ministry of EducationInformation on Teaching Staff in schools from 2004 onward.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Subject Enrolment
Ministry of EducationData on language learning (other than English or Te Reo Māori) by students in New Zealand primary schools (Year 1 to 8) and subjects being studied by secondary school students.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Students' International Learning
Ministry of EducationStatistics on students' participation and achievement in learning that contributes to their knowledge of the world, that provide a picture of students' development of international and intercultural skills, and students' uptake of opportunities for study overseas.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Student Attitudes to Science
Ministry of EducationStudents' attitudes to science based on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Stand-downs, Suspensions, Exclusions and Expulsions from School
Ministry of EducationThe number of stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions and expulsions per 1,000 students enrolled.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Special Education: Ongoing Resourcing Scheme
Ministry of EducationData on the number of students involved with the Ongoing resourcing scheme (ORS) as at 1 July.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Science Literacy Achievement: Senior Secondary Schooling
Ministry of EducationScientific literacy of 15 year-old students.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Science Achievement: Year 9 students
Ministry of EducationScience scores for Year 9 students.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Science Achievement: Primary Schooling
Ministry of EducationScience scores for Year 5 students.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Schooling - Pasifika Language in Education
Ministry of EducationInformation about Pasifika language in education in New Zealand Schools as at 1 July. It describes two levels of Pasifika language learning: Pasifika-medium education and Pasifika Language as a separate subjecCreated 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
Schooling - Māori Language in Education
Ministry of EducationData about MÄori Language Learning as at 1 July. It reports on 3 levels of MÄori language in Education: MÄori-medium, MÄori Language in English medium, and Students not involved in MÄori language in education.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
School Leavers with NCEA Level 3 or Above
Ministry of EducationPercentage of school leavers with an NCEA level 3 qualification or above, this includes anyone who obtained University Entrance AwardCreated 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
School Leavers with NCEA Level 2 or Above
Ministry of EducationPercentage of school leavers with an NCEA Level 2 qualification or above.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
School Leavers with NCEA Level 1 or Above
Ministry of EducationPercentage of school leavers with at least an NCEA Level 1 qualification or equivalentCreated 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020 -
School Leavers Entering Tertiary Education
Ministry of EducationNumber of students starting tertiary education for the first time in 2010 and 2011.Created 12 August 2020 • Updated 12 August 2020