Oceanic sea surface temperature trends, 1993–2016
Ministry for the EnvironmentWe used NIWA’s sea-surface temperature archive, which is derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite data it receives from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The archive provides high spatial (approximately 1km) and high temporal (approximately six-hourly in cloud-free locations) resolution estimates of...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Total suspended particulate matter concentrations at Penrose, Auckland, 1965–16
Ministry for the EnvironmentTotal suspended particulate matter (TSP) consists of solid and liquid airborne particles that are smaller than 100 micrometres in diameter. Although, by weight, it is dominated by the larger particles it does also include the PM10 and PM2.5 sub-fractions that are responsible for most health effects, such as respiratory and cardiovascular disease, and some...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Sentinel2 2018 Chatham Islands Footprints
Ministry for the EnvironmentNote: Metadata relates to the mosaicked imagery. This layer has been provided to enable users to explore coverage and capture dates of the imagery. To enquire about ordering the imagery, please e-mail lucas[at]mfe.govt.nz. This imagery is a 10m, ten-band multispectral, cloud-minimised mosaic of Sentinel 2A and 2B satellite tiles over Chatham Islands made...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Growing degree days trend assessment, by site, 1972/3–2015/6
Ministry for the EnvironmentGrowing degree days (GDD) measures the amount of warmth available for plant and insect growth and can be used to predict when flowers will bloom and crops and insects will mature. GDD counts the total number of degrees Celsius each day is above a threshold temperature. In this report we used 10 degrees Celsius. Increased GDD means that plants and insects...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Ocean and coastal extreme waves (4m), 2012
Ministry for the EnvironmentThese data estimate the occurence of extreme wave events in coastal and oceanic waters for 2012, particularly for wave events where significant wave height exceeds a threshold of 4 metres and for a period of at least 12 hours. Significant wave height is defined as four times the square root of the variance of sea surface elevation due to wave motion. This...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Growing degree days trend assessment, for New Zealand, the North Island, and...
Ministry for the EnvironmentGrowing degree days (GDD) measures the amount of warmth available for plant and insect growth and can be used to predict when flowers will bloom and crops and insects will mature. GDD counts the total number of degrees Celsius each day is above a threshold temperature. In this report we used 10 degrees Celsius. Increased GDD means that plants and insects...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Global and New Zealand temperature anomalies, 1909–2016
Ministry for the EnvironmentThis dataset compares temperatures anomalies from NIWA's 'seven-station' temperature series with three global temperature series. More information on this dataset and how it relates to our Environmental reporting indicators and topics can be found in the attached data quality pdf.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Ground-level ozone annual trends, 2011-2020
Ministry for the EnvironmentGround-level (tropospheric) ozone (O3) exists at a natural background level but is also produced when nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds from vehicle emissions, petrol fumes, industrial processes solvents, and other human-made sources react in the presence of heat and sunlight. It is the primary component of photochemical smog. Ozone...Created 1 December 2021 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Drought, 1972 - 2019, trend
Ministry for the EnvironmentDATA SOURCE: National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) [Technical report available at https://www.mfe.govt.nz/publications/environmental-reporting/ministry-environment-atmosphere-and-climate-report-2020-updated] Adapted by Ministry for the Environment and Statistics New Zealand to provide for environmental reporting transparency Dataset...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Lake water quality trends 2008–2017 1998–2017 and 1990–2017
Ministry for the EnvironmentThis dataset contains ten lake water quality variables based on measurements made at monitored lake sites: chlorophyll-a, nitrate-nitrogen, total nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, dissolved reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus, Escherichia coli, water clarity, and lake trophic level index (TLI3 and TLI4). This dataset includes: - Median values for the...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Nitrogen dioxide concentrations: council and unitary authority data, 2004–17
Ministry for the EnvironmentNitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a gas that is harmful to human health, ecosystems, and plants (US EPA, 2008). It can be emitted directly into the air but is often formed as a secondary pollutant when nitric oxide (NO) emissions react with other chemicals. It also contributes to the formation of secondary particulate matter (PM) and ozone, which have their own...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Particulate matter 10 annual trends, 2011-2020
Ministry for the EnvironmentParticulate matter (PM) comprises solid and liquid particles in the air. PM10 particles have a diameter less than 10 micrometres. Coarse particles (2.5–10 micrometres) can be inhaled – they generally deposit in the upper airways; fine particles (smaller than 2.5 micrometres) can deposit deep in the lungs where air-gas exchange occurs. Since PM10 is small...Created 1 December 2021 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
The annual SOI compared with New Zealand's detrended temperature series,...
Ministry for the EnvironmentThe El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the movement of warm equatorial water across the Pacific Ocean and the atmospheric response. It occurs every 2–7 years, typically lasting 6–18 months. ENSO has three phases: neutral, El Niño and La Niña. In New Zealand an El Niño phase in summer can bring increased westerly winds, more rain in the west, and...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Sentinel2 2020 Chatham Islands Footprints
Ministry for the EnvironmentINDEX ONLY: These footprints are the index for the 'Sentinel2 2020 Chatham Islands' mosaic. It has been provided to enable users to explore coverage and capture dates of the component imagery. To enquire about ordering the imagery itself, please e-mail lucas[at]mfe.govt.nz. The imagery represented is a 10m, ten-band multispectral, cloud-minimised mosaic...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Nitrate-nitrogen leaching from sheep livestock 2017
Ministry for the EnvironmentRaster layer with 100m * 100m pixels, Each pixel represents the estimated nitrate-N leached in kg/ha/yr. This layer contains all nitrate leaching estimated from sheep. More information on this dataset and how it relates to our environmental reporting indicators and topics can be found in the attached data quality pdf.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Ocean and coastal extreme waves (6m), 2009
Ministry for the EnvironmentThese data estimate the occurence of extreme wave events in coastal and oceanic waters for 2009, particularly for wave events where significant wave height exceeds a threshold of 6 metres and for a period of at least 12 hours. Significant wave height is defined as four times the square root of the variance of sea surface elevation due to wave motion. This...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Frost and warm days trend assessment, 1972–2016
Ministry for the EnvironmentThe number of frost and warm days changes from year to year in response to climate variation, such as the warming pattern induced by El Niño. Climate models project we may experience fewer cold and more warm extremes in the future. Changes in the number of frost and warm days can affect agriculture, recreation, and our behaviour, for example, what we do...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Ocean and coastal extreme waves (8m), 2012
Ministry for the EnvironmentThese data estimate the occurence of extreme wave events in coastal and oceanic waters for 2012, particularly for wave events where significant wave height exceeds a threshold of 8 metres and for a period of at least 12 hours. Significant wave height is defined as four times the square root of the variance of sea surface elevation due to wave motion. More...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Average annual sunshine hours, 2014
Ministry for the EnvironmentSunshine is essential for our mental and physical well-being and plant growth. It is also important for tourism and recreation. More information on this dataset and how it relates to our environmental reporting indicators and topics can be found in the attached data quality pdf.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Sentinel2 2021 Chatham Islands Footprints
Ministry for the EnvironmentINDEX ONLY: These footprints are the index for the 'Sentinel2 2021 Chatham Islands' mosaic. It has been provided to enable users to explore coverage and capture dates of the component imagery. To enquire about ordering the imagery itself, please e-mail lucas[at]mfe.govt.nz. The imagery represented is a 10m, ten-band multispectral, cloud-minimised mosaic...Created 1 December 2021 • Updated 3 March 2025