Student Loan Scheme 2018 Data Tables
Inland Revenue DepartmentStatistics relating to the Student Loan Scheme, including loan uptake, amount borrowed, loan balance, and repayment.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Revenue collected
Inland Revenue DepartmentRevenue collected on an acruals basis between 2008 and 2017 by Inland Revenue.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Registered customers by group
Inland Revenue DepartmentRegistered customer groups shown here are, non-profit organisations, large enterprises, individuals and small and medium enterprises.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Registered customers by geographic areas
Inland Revenue DepartmentIncludes all customers registered with Inland Revenue, either individuals or entities. Geographic area is determined by proximity to district office.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Registered customers by entity type
Inland Revenue DepartmentIncludes all customers registered with Inland Revenue, either individuals or entities.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Regional tax statistics 2016
Inland Revenue DepartmentIncluded are categories for individuals and non-individual entities. The tables present the data as percentages of appropriate columns in the "Customers" table, Regional tax statistics, 'all customers', 'values', 'individuals', 'business individuals', 'non-business individuals', 'entities', 'businesses'Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Percentage of returns filed on time
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe ratio of returns filed on time to the total number of filing per tax year. The ratio is presented separately for tax types and customer groups.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Percentage of payments made on time
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe percentage of on time payments for the major tax types.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Percentage of child support payments made by liable parents in full and on time
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe percentage of payments made by liable parents in full and on time.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Overdue debt by tax type
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe structure of the total overdue debt for various different tax types for the financial years from 2008 to 2017. (child support debt, student loan debt, tax debt, working for families tax credits debt)Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Overdue debt by debt value bands
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe composition of overdue tax debt and overdue child support debt by dollar value bands. The Analysis is presented for both the value of debt and the proportion of debt cases.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Overdue debt by debt age
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe dynamics of overdue debt case age from the 2008 to 2017 financial years. It covers both overdue tax debt and overdue child support debt. The debt age structure is presented both for dollar values and debt cases. The age of each debt case is weighted based on weighted overdue debt case age.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Number of tax convictions
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe total number of tax convictions under the Tax Administration Act 1994 in each calendar year.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Number of tax agents by geographic area
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe number of tax agents in a given geographic loction. A tax agent is a person who prepares the annual returns of income for ten or more taxpayers.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Number of returns filed 2007-2016
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe number of returns filed and processed during the tax year regardless of their return period.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Number of people convicted under the Tax Administration Act
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe number of people convicted under the Tax Administration Act 1994 in each calendar year. A person may have more than one prosecution in each year.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Number of customers by return types
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe data includes customers who filed tax returns for a specific tax year regardless of when their return was actually filed.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Number of child support customers and cash collection
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe number of customers claiming child support per annum.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Donations tax credit claimed
Inland Revenue DepartmentStatistics relating to donations tax credit claimed 2004 to 2018Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Active customers by geographic areas
Inland Revenue DepartmentShows the number of active customers by geographic area. Area is defined through proximity to district office.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020