Number of customers by return types
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe data includes customers who filed tax returns for a specific tax year regardless of when their return was actually filed.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Number of clients of tax agents by geographic area
Inland Revenue DepartmentList of the number of clients of tax agents by geographic area. Area defined by proximity to district office.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Number of child support customers and cash collection
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe number of customers claiming child support per annum.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Donations tax credit claimed
Inland Revenue DepartmentStatistics relating to donations tax credit claimed 2004 to 2018Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Binding rulings
Inland Revenue DepartmentThe number of draft rulings issued that are counted under the timeliness measures and the average time to complete those draft rulings.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Active customers by geographic areas
Inland Revenue DepartmentShows the number of active customers by geographic area. Area is defined through proximity to district office.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020 -
Active customers by entity type
Inland Revenue DepartmentShows the number of active customers grouped by entity type.Created 14 June 2020 • Updated 14 June 2020