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Organisations: Land Information New Zealand Formats: Web Map Viewer

  • NASA FIRMS Satellite (MODIS) Thermal Hotspots and Fire Activity

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer presents detectable thermal activity from MODIS satellites for the last 48 hours. MODIS Global Fires is a product of NASA’s Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), part of NASA's Earth Science Data. EOSDIS integrates remote sensing and GIS technologies to deliver global MODIS hotspot/fire locations to natural resource...
    Created 8 January 2020 Updated 14 August 2020
  • Emergency Management Basemap

    Land Information New Zealand
    The NationalMap Emergency Management Basemap includes standardised and regularly maintained reference data specifically collated for New Zealand’s emergency responders and planners. The basemap includes population figures from the 2018 census and occupancy figures for vulnerable populations such as schools, hospitals, rest homes and retirement villages....
    Created 18 March 2019 Updated 9 January 2020