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Organisations: Gisborne District Council

  • Citrus Grove Building Exclusion Area

    Gisborne District Council
    The Airport Protection Overlay Area (APOA) is an overlay illustrated on the urban and rural planning maps that effects the identified land in close proximity to Gisborne Airport and its flight corridors. Rules to protect both Gisborne Airport and land users shall apply to this area. Air Noise Boundary and Outer Control Boundaries identify, in accordance...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 March 2020
  • Outer Control Boundary 55Ldn

    Gisborne District Council
    The Airport Protection Overlay Area (APOA) is an overlay illustrated on the urban and rural planning maps that effects the identified land in close proximity to Gisborne Airport and its flight corridors. Rules to protect both Gisborne Airport and land users shall apply to this area. Air Noise Boundary and Outer Control Boundaries identify, in accordance...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 March 2020
  • Air Noise Boundary 65Ldn

    Gisborne District Council
    The Airport Protection Overlay Area (APOA) is an overlay illustrated on the urban and rural planning maps that effects the identified land in close proximity to Gisborne Airport and its flight corridors. Rules to protect both Gisborne Airport and land users shall apply to this area. Air Noise Boundary and Outer Control Boundaries identify, in accordance...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 March 2020
  • Archaeological & Waahi Tapu Sites

    Gisborne District Council
    Archaeological locations, buffers, areas and waahi tapu sites within the Gisborne district as identified in the Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan. Gisborne district has a wealth of heritage both pre and post European contact. This resource provides an identity unique to the people of the Gisborne district and should be recognised and protected. The...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 March 2020
  • Areas Sensitive to Coastal Hazards (ASCH)

    Gisborne District Council
    Gisborne areas sensitive to coastal hazards (ASCH) as identified in the Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan. Coastal hazards occur when a natural process has adverse effects on human safety, property or on objects or areas that are valued by humans, or when human activities generate anomalies in natural processes, causing those processes to act in...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 March 2020
  • Coastal Hazard Overlay

    Gisborne District Council
    Coastal hazards occur when a natural process has adverse effects on human safety, property or on objects or areas that are valued by humans, or when human activities generate anomalies in natural processes, causing those processes to act in unforeseen ways. Human responses to such hazards may, in turn, have other adverse effects on the environment and on...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 March 2020
  • Coastal Management Areas

    Gisborne District Council
    The coastal environment in the Gisborne region is an area with various resource management issues. Three management areas have been created to assist with its management: DC1 Significant Values Coastal Management Area – This includes coastal areas of special ecological, cultural, historic, scientific and landscape value. DC2 General Coastal Management...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 March 2020
  • Coastal Marine Area Boundary

    Gisborne District Council
    The Coastal Marine Area is the foreshore, seabed and coastal water, and air space above the water of which the seaward boundary is the outer limits of the territorial sea and of which the landward boundary is the line of mean high water springs except that where that line crosses a river. The landward boundary at that point shall be whichever is the...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 March 2020
  • Gisborne Tsunami Evacuation Zones

    Gisborne District Council
    Like much of New Zealand, the Gisborne-Tairāwhiti region faces a series of potential natural hazards such as flooding, landslides, earthquakes and tsunami. While we can sometimes have advanced warning of the storms that cause flooding and landslides. This is not the case for earthquakes and tsunami that can occur without warning. Gisborne District Council...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 March 2020
  • Road Centreline

    Gisborne District Council
    Gisborne road centreline layer. Includes road hierarchy and road names. This layer is maintained by the Land Information team within Gisborne District Council. The data is then provided to other agencies including LINZ.
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 February 2020
  • Tsunami Hazard

    Gisborne District Council
    Gisborne District Council (GDC) is interested in taking a risk-based approach to managing its natural hazards. GNS Science has produced results from its national probabilistic tsunami hazard model (Power, 2013), which estimates the size of the tsunami at the coast for specified probabilities. This information has been used here as the basis for developing...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 February 2020
  • Tsunami Hazard Flow Depth 1000yr ARI

    Gisborne District Council
    Gisborne District Council (GDC) is interested in taking a risk-based approach to managing its natural hazards. GNS Science has produced results from its national probabilistic tsunami hazard model (Power, 2013), which estimates the size of the tsunami at the coast for specified probabilities. This information has been used here as the basis for developing...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 February 2020
  • Tsunami Hazard Flow Depth 500yr ARI

    Gisborne District Council
    Gisborne District Council (GDC) is interested in taking a risk-based approach to managing its natural hazards. GNS Science has produced results from its national probabilistic tsunami hazard model (Power, 2013), which estimates the size of the tsunami at the coast for specified probabilities. This information has been used here as the basis for developing...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 February 2020
  • Tsunami Hazard Flow Depth 100yr ARI

    Gisborne District Council
    Gisborne District Council (GDC) is interested in taking a risk-based approach to managing its natural hazards. GNS Science has produced results from its national probabilistic tsunami hazard model (Power, 2013), which estimates the size of the tsunami at the coast for specified probabilities. This information has been used here as the basis for developing...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 February 2020
  • Tsunami Hazard Flow Depth 2500yr ARI

    Gisborne District Council
    Gisborne District Council (GDC) is interested in taking a risk-based approach to managing its natural hazards. GNS Science has produced results from its national probabilistic tsunami hazard model (Power, 2013), which estimates the size of the tsunami at the coast for specified probabilities. This information has been used here as the basis for developing...
    Created 9 December 2019 Updated 3 February 2020