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Formats: ZIP

  • Hawke's Bay Coastal Environment

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    The Coastal Environment means an environment in which the coast is a significant element or part, and includes: (a) the coastal marine area; (b) any areas identified as being affected by, or potentially affected by, coastal flooding or coastal erosion; (c) any of the following: (i) tidal waters and the land above mean high water springs; (ii) dunes; (iii)...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay RCEP Coastal Hazard Zone 2

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset represents the location and extent of the inland boundary of ‘Coastal Hazard Zone 2’ (CHZ2) identified in the Hawke's Bay Regional Coastal Environment Plan 2013 (‘RCEP’). The RCEP has been prepared for the purposes of assisting the Hawke's Bay Regional Council with its roles and responsibilities under the Resource Management Act. Any party...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay RCEP Coastal Hazard Zone 3

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset represents the inland boundaries of ‘Transition Hazard Zones’ (THZ1 and THZ2) identified in the Hawke's Bay Regional Coastal Environment Plan 2013. The RCEP has been prepared for the purposes of assisting the Hawke's Bay Regional Council with its roles and responsibilities under the Resource Management Act. Any party relying on this...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Heretaunga Ruataniwha Aquifer System

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    An aquifer fills with water from rain or melted snow that drains into the ground. In some areas, the water passes through the soil on top of the aquifer; in others, it enters through joints and cracks in rocks. The water moves downward until it meets less permeable rock. Aquifers act as reservoirs for groundwater. Water from aquifers sometimes flows out...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • HBRC Wells and Bores

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Shows the general location of known wells and bores in the Hawke’s Bay Region. Data is usually obtained where a consent has been granted and the bore construction proceeded (Current Bore Permits). As part of the consent process drillers return the data to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. Each point contains basic summary information about the well or bore...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Tukituki Water Management Zones XV

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset was created as a geospatial template to facilitate the development of a Water Allocation Framework for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. Based on tributary catchments, these zones allow the establishment of specific rules for minimum flows and allocation limits. NIWA’s River Environment Classification was used to define each zone based on...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Tukituki LUC Summary

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    The New Zealand Land Resource Inventory (NZLRI) is a national database of physical land resource information. It comprises two sets of data compiled using stereo aerial photography, published and unpublished reference material, and extensive field work: An inventory of five physical factors (rock type, soil, slope, present type and severity of erosion,...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Tukituki Schedule XIV River Sub Catchments

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset was created as a geospatial template to facilitate the development of a Water Allocation Framework for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. Based on tributary catchments, these zones allow the establishment of specific rules for minimum flows and allocation limits. NIWA’s River Environment Classification was used to define each zone based on...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Tukituki Surface Water Allocation Zones

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset was created as a geospatial template to facilitate the development of a Water Allocation Framework for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. Based on tributary catchments, these zones allow the establishment of specific rules for minimum flows and allocation limits. NIWA’s River Environment Classification was used to define each zone based on...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Tukituki Schedule XVII Groundwater Allocation Zones

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    This dataset was created as a geospatial template to facilitate the development of a Water Allocation Framework for Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. Based on tributary catchments, these zones allow the establishment of specific rules for minimum flows and allocation limits. NIWA’s River Environment Classification was used to define each zone based on...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Tukituki Schedule XX Slope Classes

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    The New Zealand Land Resource Inventory (NZLRI) is a national database of physical land resource information. It comprises two sets of data compiled using stereo aerial photography, published and unpublished reference material, and extensive field work: An inventory of five physical factors (rock type, soil, slope, present type and severity of erosion,...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Ngai Tamanuhiri Statutory Acknowledgement Vesting Sites

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Physical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Ngati Hineuru Statutory Acknowledgement Areas

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Physical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Ngati Hineuru Statutory Acknowledgement Rivers

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Physical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Ngati Hineuru Statutory Acknowledgement Redress Areas

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Physical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Ngati Hineuru Statutory Acknowledgement Area of Interest

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Physical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Ngati Manawa Statutory Acknowledgement Areas

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Recognition of the claimant groups cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land for the purpose of Treaty Settlements.
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Maungaharuru Tangitu Trust Statutory Acknowledgement Area of Interest

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Maungaharuru-Tangitu hapu area of interest. A statutory acknowledgement is a formal recognition made by the Crown of a claimant groups particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association with a specific area (statutory area) owned by the Crown. Statutory acknowledgements relate to specific areas of importance (known as statutory areas)...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Ngati Manawa Statutory Acknowledgement Redress Areas

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Physical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Ngati Manawa Statutory Acknowledgement Rivers

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    Physical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020