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Organisations: Porirua City Council

  • SportsGrounds

    Porirua City Council
    LAYER NAME: Sports_grounds ABSTRACT : Council maintained sports fields SOURCE DATE: Feb 2008 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized into GIS POSITIONAL ACCURACY: +/- 2m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Parks & Reserves Manager OWNERSHIP: Porirua City Council USAGE: See our website for ground status or...
    Created 3 February 2020 Updated 3 February 2020
  • Coast

    Porirua City Council
    Hydro segments to show coastline around Porirua harbourThe combination of this layer with the other land parcels and road parcels equates to the primary parcels layer which provides all current parcels for New Zealand (i.e. excludes historic and pending parcels).This set of three parcel layers (land, road and hydro) enables easy access to the most common...
    Created 3 February 2020 Updated 3 February 2020