Public Toilets
Porirua City CouncilDESCRIPTION : Toilet location within Porirua City SOURCE DATE: Sep 2006 CAPTURE METHOD: Description taken from PCC AMS & Digitized into GIS POSITIONAL ACCURACY: +/- 10m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Parks & Reserves Manager OWNERSHIP: Porirua City Council USAGE: No restraint on usage or supply. UPDATE FREQUENCY: As required COMMENTS: 100% Complete....Created 2 February 2022 • Updated 5 March 2022 -
Wind Zones
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Wind zones ABSTRACT : Wind zones used for building rules within Porirua City. SOURCE DATE: July 2005 SUPPLIER: Terralink Ltd CAPTURE METHOD: This data was converted into a digital format by Terralink Ltd based on consultant model. Where the Wind Zone lines coincided with the property the original DCDB boundary was used. POSITIONAL ACCURACY:...Created 2 February 2022 • Updated 5 March 2022 -
Porirua City CouncilDESCRIPTION : These are Gazetteered as being public reserves and include, PCC, DOC and WCC etc. owned reserves, but excludes road reserves. SOURCE DATE: Oct 2005 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Copied from LINZ cadastre and maintained in house POSITIONAL ACCURACY: +/- 2m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Porirua City Council, Parks and Reserves Planner...Created 2 February 2022 • Updated 5 March 2022 -
Contours (1m)
Porirua City CouncilDESCRIPTION: Contour Lines for Porirua Urban areas (1m) showing elevation. SOURCE DATE: Dec 2013 SUPPLIER: Terralink International Ltd. CAPTURE METHOD: Photogrammetry with ground control POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally +/-1m horizontal and vertical CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Terralink International Ltd PH 0508 483 772 OWNERSHIP: PCC Corporate Services ACCURACY...Created 2 February 2022 • Updated 5 March 2022 -
2012 Rural Aerials Wellington
Porirua City CouncilNAME: Rural Aerials 2012 ABSTRACT : Orthorectified 4 band RGB GeoTIFF Aerial Photos of Porirua Rural District using TopoNZ50 1:5,000 series. SOURCE DATE: Flown10 Dec 2012 to 30 Jan 2013 SUPPLIER: NZAM. CAPTURE METHOD: Flown @1:2,500 using Vexcel colour digital camera at, Pixel Resolution 0.3m POSITIONAL ACCURACY: +/-2m GSD (90 % Confidence) can be worse...Created 2 February 2022 • Updated 5 March 2022 -
2016 Urban Aerials Porirua
Porirua City Council{{default.description}}Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Car Parks
Porirua City CouncilNAME: Car Parking ABSTRACT: Porirua City Car parking and Disability parking areas SOURCE DATE: March 2009 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Marked up on GIS using digitising. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally +/- 2m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Porirua City Council Monitoring & ComplianceTeam UPDATE FREQUENCY: As required USAGE: COMPLETENESS: 100%...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Stormwater Inlet
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Stormwater Inlet ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - stormwater inlets SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved)...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Stormwater Nodes
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Stormwater NodesABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - stormwater nodes SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97SUPPLIER: Porirua City CouncilCAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into Hansen AMS.POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Stormwater Manhole
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Stormwater Manholes ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - stormwater manholes SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved)...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Stormwater Channel
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Stormwater Channels ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - stormwater channels SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved)...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Stormwater Lateral
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Stormwater laterals ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - stormwater channels SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved)...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Stormwater Main
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Stormwater Mains ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - stormwater mains SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved)...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Water Node
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Water Nodes ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - water nodes SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into Hansen AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved) CUSTODIAN/CONTACT:...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Water Tobies
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Water Tobies ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - water valves SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved) CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: AMS...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Water Valve
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Water Valves ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - water valves SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved) CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: AMS...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Water Hydrant
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Water Hydrants ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - water hydrants SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved) CUSTODIAN/CONTACT:...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Water Lateral
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Water Laterals ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - water leads SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved) CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: AMS...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Water Main
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Water Mains ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - water mains SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved) CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: AMS Team...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Sewer Valve
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Sewer Valves ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - sewer valves SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved) CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: AMS...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020