Chart NZ 521 Cape Brett to Paepae-o-Tu / Bream Tail
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 521 Cape Brett to Paepae-o-Tu / Bream Tail This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:100000 File reference: NZ52101.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 5227 Te Hāwere-a-Maki / Goat Island to Waiwera River
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 5227 Te Hāwere-a-Maki / Goat Island to Waiwera River This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:40000 File reference: NZ522701.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 5219 Approaches to Marsden Point
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 5219 Approaches to Marsden Point This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:50000 File reference: NZ521901.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational Charts...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 5411 Tauranga Harbour - Katikati Entrance to Mount Maunganui
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 5411 Tauranga Harbour - Katikati Entrance to Mount Maunganui This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:40000 File reference: NZ541101.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 534 Mercury Bay to Katikati Entrance
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 534 Mercury Bay to Katikati Entrance This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:100000 File reference: NZ53401.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational Charts...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 5124 Plans in the Bay of Islands
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 5124 Plans in the Bay of Islands This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:15000 File reference: NZ512401.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational Charts...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 54 Cuvier Island (Repanga Island) to East Cape
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 54 Cuvier Island (Repanga Island) to East Cape This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:300000 File reference: NZ5401.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 4265 Kaipara Harbour
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 4265 Kaipara Harbour This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 75000 File reference: NZ426501.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational Charts published and...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 4631 Rauoterangi Channel and Kapiti Island
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 4631 Rauoterangi Channel and Kapiti Island This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:27000 File reference: NZ463101.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 5322 Auckland Harbour East
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 5322 Auckland Harbour East This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:7500 File reference: NZ532202.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational Charts published...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 533 Firth of Thames
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 533 Firth of Thames This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:100000 File reference: NZ53301.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational Charts published and...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 4632 Approaches to Porirua Harbour
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 4632 Approaches to Porirua Harbour This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:16000 File reference: NZ463201.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational Charts...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Chart NZ 522 Paepae-o-Tu / Bream Tail to Kawau Island including Great...
Land Information New ZealandRaster chart image of: NZ 522 Paepae-o-Tu / Bream Tail to Kawau Island including Great Barrier Island (Aotea Island) This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:100000 File reference: NZ52201.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Christchurch Post-Earthquake 0.1m Urban Aerial Photos (24 February 2011)
Land Information New ZealandOrthophotography of the area affected by the Christchurch Earthquake, 22 February 2011 for the Christchurch Response Centre (CRC). Imagery was captured by NZ Aerial Mapping Ltd, 208 Warren Street, PO Box 6, Hastings 4156, New Zealand to support the response to the 22 February 2011 earthquake in Canterbury. Data comprises: •1,785 x ortho-rectified RGB...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Tasman 0.3m Rural Aerial Photos (2018-2019)
Land Information New ZealandOrthophotography within the Tasman District taken in the flying seasons (summer period) 2018-2019. Coverage is of the Tasman rural area in the Tasman District. Imagery was captured for Tasman District Council by Aerial Surveys Ltd, Unit A1, 8 Saturn Place, Albany,0632, New Zealand. Data comprises: •647 ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
New Plymouth 0.10m Urban Aerial Photos (2017)
Land Information New ZealandOrthophotography of urbans areas within New Plymouth taken in the flying seasons (summer period) 2016-17. Imagery was captured for the ‘New Plymouth District Council’ by AAM NZ Limited, 6 Ossian St, NAPIER, New Zealand. Data comprises: •2,098 ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM projection, tiled into the LINZ Standard 1:500 tile layout •Tile layout...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Whanganui 0.075m Urban Aerial Photos (2017)
Land Information New ZealandOrthophotography in the Whanganui District taken in the flying seasons (summer period) 2017-2018. Imagery was captured for Whanganui District Council by Aerial Surveys Ltd, Unit A1, 8 Saturn Place, Albany,0632, New Zealand. Data comprises: •764 ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM projection, tiled into the LINZ Standard 1:1,000 tile layout •Tile...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Napier 0.1m Urban Aerial Photos (2017-2018)
Land Information New ZealandOrthophotography of urbans areas within Napier City taken in the flying seasons (summer period) 2017-18. Imagery was captured for the ‘Napier City Council’ by AAM NZ Limited, 6 Ossian St, NAPIER, New Zealand. Data comprises: •1,441 ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM projection, tiled into the LINZ Standard 1:500 tile layout •Tile layout in NZTM...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
NZ 10m Satellite Imagery (2017)
Land Information New ZealandThis dataset provides a seamless cloud-free 10m resolution satellite imagery layer of the New Zealand mainland and offshore islands. The imagery was captured by the European Space Agency Sentinel-2 satellites between December 2016 - December 2017. Currency This data will be updated once a year, during the term of the 2-year pilot. Technical...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021 -
Manawatu Whanganui 0.3m Rural Aerial Photos (2016-2017)
Land Information New ZealandOrthophotography in the Manawatu-Whanganui Region Region taken in the flying season (summer period) 2016 -17. Coverage is in the Ruapehu, Wanganui, Rangitikei, Manawatu, Horowhenua and Tararua Districts. Imagery was captured for the ‘MW LASS’ by Aerial Surveys Ltd, Unit A1, 8 Saturn Place, Albany,0632, New Zealand. Data comprises: •981 ortho-rectified RGB...Created 2 November 2020 • Updated 2 September 2021