Soils in the Bay of Plenty
Bay of Plenty Regional Council{{default.description}}Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
April 2017 Weather Events
Bay of Plenty Regional Council{{default.description}}Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Marae Locations
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilThe information collected includes the name of each marae, associated hapū and iwi and (in most cases) the name of the wharekai (dining hall) or wharenui (meeting house). The physicalCreated 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Contours and Bathymetry
Bay of Plenty Regional Council{{default.description}}Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Well and Bore Locations
Bay of Plenty Regional Council{{default.description}}Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Regional and Local Council Boundaries
Bay of Plenty Regional Council{{default.description}}Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Land Management Operational Boundaries
Bay of Plenty Regional Council{{default.description}}Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Hazardous Activities and Industries List (HAIL)
Bay of Plenty Regional Council{{default.description}}Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Oil Spill Response - Tauranga Harbour April/May 2015
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilMap that tells the story of the Tier 2 Oil Spill and response at Berth 7, Port of Tauranga on 27 April, 2015. Data used was collected at the time of the oil spill by the Civil Defence staff at BOPRC. Textual information and photos were sourced from Communications and from Adrian Heays at BOPRC.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Historic Aerial Imagery - Swipe Comparison Tool
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilHistoric Aerial Imagery scanned and orthorectified from the Crown archive of historic aerial imagery. The imagery was scanned as part of the joint LINZ/Local Government Geospatial Alliance project and orthorectified on behalf of BOPRC by SkyVuw Ltd.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
BayHazards - Bay of Plenty Natural Hazards Viewer
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilAn interactive viewer of the Bay of Plenty's natural hazards. Explore this map to discover information on the natural hazards that impact our region.Note: the Resources Page is hosted on BOPGISAPP01. Go to D:\documents\BayHazards if you want to make any changes.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Personal Water Craft Areas
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilPersonal Water Craft Areas in the Bay of Plenty Regional Navigation Safety Bylaw, including Personal Watercraft Areas, Water Ski Access Lanes and Water Ski AreasCreated 2 February 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Marae Locations
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilMarae Locations in the Bay of PlentyCreated 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Land Use in the Bay of Plenty
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilThe purpose of the landuse data is to input into a region wide Integrated Catchment Model. Because there wasn't a land use layer mapped at a region scale this project took 3 different approaches to map the landuse layer you will see in the app. These are: 1) from existing data (lcdbv4, landcare data, agribase - all different scales, time periods,...Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Shared Priority Biodiversity Sites
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilShared regional ecological priority sites – DOC/BOPRC Biodiversity Partnership. These priority sites were jointly developed by BOPRC and Department of Conservation to serve as a tool for prioritising proactive (non-regulatory) biodiversity management by BOPRC and DOC, with the aim of achieving the DOC/BOPRC shared goal of maintaining and/or restoring a...Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
BOPRC Regional Parks
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilBOPRC manages two Regional Parks:Papamoa Hills Regional ParkOnekawa Te Mawhai Regional ParkCreated 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Index Tiles - Contours 2011
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilIndex Tiles ONLY. To download the shapefiles of the contours data, write down the tile name for your area of interest (eg. BD37_1k_2108), and find the shapefiles on our FTP site: ftp://files.boprc.govt.nz/Public/Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilIn the Bay of Plenty Region there are four active volcanic centres (active in last 20,000 years): Ōkataina Volcanic CentrePūtauaki / Mt EdgecumbeTūhua / Mayor IslandWhakaari / White Island.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Well/Bore Locations in the Bay of Plenty
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilBore locations in the Bay of Plenty Region.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020 -
Beach Access Poles
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilBeach access poles with unique ID's that are used to identify the specific locations for emergency and other purposes. These were captured using GPS in December 2015.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 2 February 2020