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Groups: Land Formats: HFA

  • Chart NZ 7625 Thompson Sound and Doubtful Sound / Patea

    Land Information New Zealand
    Raster chart image of: NZ 7625 Thompson Sound and Doubtful Sound / Patea This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:7500 File reference: NZ762502.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • Chart NZ 7625 Thompson Sound and Doubtful Sound / Patea

    Land Information New Zealand
    Raster chart image of: NZ 7625 Thompson Sound and Doubtful Sound / Patea This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:10000 File reference: NZ762503.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • Chart NZ 6912 Plans in Stewart Island / Rakiura: Port Adventure and Lords...

    Land Information New Zealand
    Raster chart image of: NZ 6912 Plans in Stewart Island / Rakiura: Port Adventure and Lords River / Tutaekawetow This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 40000 File reference: NZ691201.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • Chart NZ 6151 Plans in the Marlborough Sounds: Port Gore

    Land Information New Zealand
    Raster chart image of: NZ 6151 Plans in the Marlborough Sounds: Port Gore This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 30000 File reference: NZ615104.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • Chart NZ 7625 Thompson Sound and Doubtful Sound / Patea

    Land Information New Zealand
    Raster chart image of: NZ 7625 Thompson Sound and Doubtful Sound / Patea This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 1:25000 File reference: NZ762501.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • Chart NZ 4111 Three Kings Islands: North West Bay

    Land Information New Zealand
    Raster chart image of: NZ 4111 Three Kings Islands: North West Bay This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 6000 File reference: NZ411102.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • Chart NZ 4111 Three Kings Islands: South East Bay

    Land Information New Zealand
    Raster chart image of: NZ 4111 Three Kings Islands: South East Bay This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 6000 File reference: NZ411103.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • Chart NZ 4111 Three Kings Islands

    Land Information New Zealand
    Raster chart image of: NZ 4111 Three Kings Islands This data was compiled for the use at the following scale: 30000 File reference: NZ411101.tif THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. The hydrographic raster data made available through the LINZ Data Service is based on the Paper Navigational Charts published and...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • Gisborne 0.3m Rural Aerial Photos (2017-2018)

    Land Information New Zealand
    Orthophotography in the Gisborne District taken in the flying seasons (summer period) 2017-2018. Imagery was captured for Gisborne District Council by AAM NZ Limited, 6 Ossian St, NAPIER, New Zealand Data comprises: •862 ortho-rectified RGB GeoTIFF images in NZTM projection, tiled into the LINZ Standard 1:000 tile layout •Tile layout in NZTM projection...
    Created 2 February 2020 Updated 2 September 2020
  • Land Eelements (North Island)

    Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
    This data layer was derived from terrain analysis of a 25 m resolution national digital terrain model to create a setof landform elements. The landform elements are derived from a fuzzy classification based on local geometry (curvature and slope) and landscape context, and provide a primary foundation for mapping soil distribution in steepland land...
    Created 3 May 2018 Updated 3 June 2018