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Groups: Land Formats: SHP

  • NZMS 260 Map Sheets

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer shows the New Zealand mainland sheet extents for the historic NZMS 260 map series. The NZMS 260 Topographic map series began in 1977 and ended production in 2009. The series was produced at the 1:50,000 scale. NOTE: The NZMS260 map series has now been superseded by NZTopo50. To download the NZTopo50 Map sheets please refer to NZ Topo50 Map...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Cadastral Adjustments

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides the extents of influence that the work to integrate survey information has on the surrounding Cadastre. All cadastral surveys must be integrated into the Cadastre. As part of this process the new information 'upgrades' the existing information. This is controlled by a mathematical adjustment process using a Least Squares methodology....
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Coastlines (Topo, 1:50k)

    Land Information New Zealand
    The line forming the boundary between the land and sea, defined by mean high water. Data Dictionary for coastline: This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Route Name

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the Route Name table, which is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Route Name table contains the components of the Local Route, Road Designation and Tourist Route classes of Road Name. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Capture Method

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Capture Method and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Capture Method look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Road Section Geometry. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database for the...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Section Lifecycle Stage

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Road Section Lifecycle Stage and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Section Lifecycle Stage look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Road Section. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Address Range Road Type

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Address Range Road Type and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Address Range Road Type look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Address Range Road. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Name Prefix

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Road Name Prefix and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Name Prefix look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Addressing Road Name. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database for the...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Geometry Class

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Geometry Class and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Geometry Class look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Road Section Geometry. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database for the...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Name Suffix

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Road Name Suffix and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Name Suffix look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Addressing Road Name. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database for the...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Name Association

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the Road Name Association table, which is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Name Association table provides the association between the Road table and the Road Name table, and stores information about that association, including lifespan, priority and flags for unofficial and unique names. The NZ Roads dataset includes...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Name Class

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Road Name Class and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Name Class look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Road Name. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database for the management of...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Section Type

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Road Section Type and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Section Type look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Road Section. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database for the...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Parcel Statutory Actions List

    Land Information New Zealand
    A Statutory Action is an action recorded against a parcel that is authorised by a specific Part or Section of an Act. This table provides information about the current and historic statutory actions as recorded against specific parcels. Note: Historic actions are only available in this dataset since the beginning of Landonline operations (about 2000)....
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Addressing Road Name

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the Addressing Road Name table, which is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Addressing Road Name table provides road name components for the Road and Water Route classes of Road Name. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Section

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the Road Section table, which is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Section table holds an identifier to group related geometries along a road. The data model allows for multiple geometries for a single road section. Road sections are broken at changes in the road network, e.g. intersections, changes in road name and road...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Organisation

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Organisation and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Organisation look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Road Section Geometry and NZ Roads: Road Name Association. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Type

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Road Type and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Type look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Road Section Geometry. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database for the management of...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Name Type

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the look-up table for Road Name Type and is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Name Type look-up table is used by the following tables; NZ Roads: Addressing Road Name. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ Roads database, a database for the...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020
  • NZ Strata Parcels

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides the current strata parcel polygons and their associated descriptive data as a single layer to facilitate their use independently of other primary parcels or non primary parcels. Strata parcels are portions of land where the vertical extent is limited. The combination of this layer with the primary parcels layer provides all current...
    Created 1 October 2020 Updated 1 October 2020