Sounding points (Hydro, 1:4k - 1:22k)
Land Information New ZealandA measured water depth or spot which has been reduced to a vertical datum (may be a drying height). S-57 Object Class: Sounding S-57 Acronym: SOUNDG This data was compiled for the use in the scale range 1:4,000 to 1:22,000. THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. This data is based on the S-57 data format used in...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Fence Centrelines (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandAn enclosure or barrier made of wire, rails, slats or other relatively light material, as opposed to a wall which is of stone or other heavy material Data Dictionary for fence_cl: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-fence_cl.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Pa Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandDefensive earthworks constructed by Maori at any time between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries which were still visible as a topographical object at the time the first edition of the map was published. Data Dictionary for pa_pnt: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-pa_pnt.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series....Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
Depth contour polyline (Hydro, 1:22k - 1:90k)
Land Information New ZealandA line connecting points of equal water depth which is sometimes significantly displaced outside of soundings, symbols and other chart detail for clarity as well as generalization. Depth contours, therefore, often represent an approximate location of the line of equal depth as related to the surveyed line delineated on the source. Also referred to as...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
Historic Aerial Photos, Survey Footprints, CROWN (1936-2005)
Land Information New ZealandThis layer has been provided to enable potential users to identify the coverage of photography for Mainland NZ flown on behalf of the Crown between 1936 and 2005. It shows the extent of each aerial survey undertaken. The Historic Aerial Photos, Photo Footprints (1936-2005) layer shows the extent of each photograph in the survey. See The Crown historic...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
Auckland LiDAR Index Tiles (2013)
Land Information New ZealandThis layer contains the index tiles for LiDAR data from the Auckland region captured in 2013. The DEM is available as layer Auckland Lidar 1m DEM (2013). The DSM is available as layer Auckland Lidar 1m DSM (2013). The LAS point cloud and vendor project reports are available from OpenTopography. Lidar was captured for Auckland Council by NZ Aerial Mapping...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Mangrove Polygons (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA vegetation type characterising a coastal swamp of brackish or saline water, in which specially adapted trees form a dense swamp forest Data Dictionary for mangrove_poly: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-mangrove_poly.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Survey Affected Parcels List
Land Information New ZealandThis table is used to describe the many to many relationship between surveys and parcels. This is a table to link NZ Survey Plans data with spatial parcel layers such as NZ Parcels, NZ Linear Parcels or NZ Primary Parcels. An affected parcel is a parcel which is affected by the approval of a survey dataset. A parcel may be affected, created or...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC) Index
Land Information New ZealandThis dataset provides an index to the Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) available through the LINZ Data Service showing extent and ENC attributes. The ENC index is compiled from the S-57 Object Class “Nautical publication information” which is used to relate additional nautical information or publications to the data. The attributes are populated by...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Geodetic Vertical Marks
Land Information New ZealandThis dataset provides information about the position, height, height datum, height accuracy, mark name, mark type, condition and unique four letter identifier for geodetic marks that have an authoritative height in terms of a vertical datum. Heights are in datums defined at http://www.linz.govt.nz/geodetic/datums-projections-heights/vertical-datums/. All...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Track Centrelines (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA deliberately formed route of a lesser quality than a road Data Dictionary for track_cl: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-track_cl.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore islands, at 1:50,000 scale....Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Imagery Survey Index
Land Information New ZealandThe NZ Imagery Survey Index dataset provides an index to all orthophoto index tiles found on the LINZ Data Service. Each record in the dataset provides both a geometry of the maximum extent of the orthophoto index, as well as all attributes found in each index tile. This dataset therefore provides information to assess orthophoto coverage and metadata...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Building Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA relatively permanent walled and roofed construction. Data Dictionary for building_pnt: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-building_pnt.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore islands, at 1:50,000...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Lake Polygons (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandAny standing body of fresh inland water. Data Dictionary for lake_poly: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-lake_poly.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore islands, at 1:50,000 scale. Further...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Survey Non-Boundary Marks
Land Information New ZealandThis layer provides survey mark information for marks that are not part of a parcel A non-boundary mark is any survey mark that is not on a boundary point. The points in this dataset represent physical survey monuments usually placed for cadastral requirements. The data set also includes geodetic marks. Non-boundary marks now enter the Landonline system...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Cadastral Survey Network Marks
Land Information New ZealandThis layer provides all marks and associated information that have an order of 6 or better. Cadastral surveys are required to connect to these marks if they are within a specified distance. A cadastral survey network mark is a node which is (or was) occupied by a physical survey monument that meets accuracy standards suitable for cadastral requirements....Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Pylon Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA steel tower supporting high tension wires Data Dictionary for pylon_pnt: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-pylon_pnt.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore islands, at 1:50,000 scale. Further...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
Historic Aerial Photos, Survey Footprints, NZAM (1939-2008)
Land Information New ZealandWhen New Zealand Aerial Mapping (NZAM) went into liquidation in September 2014, LINZ took ownership of their historic archive, and these photos are now available to the public. This layer has been provided to enable potential users to identify the coverage of aerial photography for Mainland NZ flown by NZAM for private contract work between 1939 and 2008....Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ River Polygons (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA natural, flowing body of water emptying into an ocean, lake or other body of water and usually fed along it's course by converging tributaries. Data Dictionary for river_poly: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-river_poly.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Meridional Circuit Boundaries (NZGD2000)
Land Information New ZealandThe NZGD2000 Meridional Circuit Boundaries as defined by LINZ. The Rules for Cadastral Survey require surveyors to carry out surveys in terms of one of 28 Transverse Mercator meridional circuits. The cos_id contained within this data is a reference to the Landonline coordinate system identifier For more information see crs_coordinate_system in the...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020