NZ Survey Arc Chords
Land Information New ZealandThis layer provides all authoritative arc survey observations and is targeted at cadastral surveyors. Only observations that have been captured in Landonline are available. This includes vectors that were re-captured in the Survey Capture Areas from survey plans lodged prior to Landonline and all survey observations since. Individual cadastral surveys...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Swamp Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA wet or moist region with water standing on or just below the surface of the ground, and usually covered by a growth of vegetation Data Dictionary for swamp_pnt: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-swamp_pnt.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Road Centrelines (Topo, 1:250k)
Land Information New ZealandAny formed all weather route suitable for the passage of any vehicle. Data Dictionary for road_cl: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-road_cl.html This layer is a component of the Topo250 map series. The Topo250 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland and Chatham Islands, at 1:250,000 scale. Further...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Bivouac Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandAn emergency shelter, place known to offer protection in remote areas, maybe either natural as in the cleft of a rock, or the lee of a fallen tree etc, or man made. Data Dictionary for bivouac_pnt: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-bivouac_pnt.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
Landonline: Ordinate Adjustment
Land Information New ZealandPlease read: This table is part of the comprehensive Full Landonline Dataset and is designed for use only by data professionals who require the complex version of our property ownership and boundary data for advanced uses. This table contains detailed information about changes to Landonline coordinates, and how accurate they are. This can be combined with...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
Tidal stream - flood/ebb points (Hydro, 1:4k - 1:22k)
Land Information New ZealandA tidal stream (or tidal current) is a horizontal movement of water associated with the rise and fall of the tide caused by tide-producing forces. Approximate tidal stream rates may be given as discrete rate values for flood and ebb flow during springs. S-57 Object Class: Tidal stream - flood/ebb S-57 Acronym: TS_FEB This data was compiled for the use in...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Contours (Topo, 1:500k)
Land Information New ZealandAn imaginary line that connects points of equal height value eg the elevation of the land surface above or below a vertical datum, in this case of LINZ topographic mapping, this is Mean Sea Level. Data Dictionary for contour: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-contour.html . The first contour is the 160m, then 300m, and every 300m...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Building Polygons (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA relatively permanent walled and roofed construction. Data Dictionary for building_poly: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-building_poly.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore islands, at 1:50,000...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Bridge Centrelines (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA structure erected over a depression or obstacle to carry traffic or some facility such as a pipeline. Data Dictionary for bridge_cl: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-bridge_cl.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
Wellington LiDAR Index Tiles (2013)
Land Information New ZealandThis layer contains the index tiles for LiDAR data from the Wellington region captured in 2013. The DEM is available as layer Wellington LiDAR 1m DEM (2013). The DSM is available as layer Wellington LiDAR 1m DSM (2013). The LAS point cloud is available from OpenTopography. Lidar was captured for Greater Wellington Regional Council by Aerial Surveys in...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Tree Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA woody perennial plant, having a self-supporting main stem or trunk. Data Dictionary for tree_pnt: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-tree_pnt.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore islands, at...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Windmill Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA mill or other machine that runs on the energy generated by a wheel of adjustable blades or flats rotated by the wind Data Dictionary for windmill_pnt: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-windmill_pnt.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ SPI Adjustments
Land Information New ZealandThis layer provides the extents of the data incorporated into an adjustment which has been completed as part of the Spatial Parcel Improvement (SPI) project. The SPI project aims to improve the accuracy of digital cadastral data in areas (primarily rural) where survey-accurate data does not currently exist. The improvement of coordinates is controlled by...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Geographic Names (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandGeographic name holds the proper noun of certain objects within the Topo databases. Geographic_name does not apply to roads, railway lines, or descriptive text - eg 'Brunner Mine' would be a Geographic_name but 'mine disused' is held in the descriptive_text feature Data Dictionary for geographic_name: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Coastlines and Islands Polygons (Topo 1:500k)
Land Information New ZealandThis provides a polygon coastline and islands layer which is based on the Topo500 products. It is a combination of the following layers: NZ Coastlines (Topo, 1:500k) NZ Island Polygons (Topo, 1:500k) This topographic coastline is the line forming the boundary between the land and sea, defined by mean high water. Islands from the NZ Island Polygons layer...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
Coastline polyline (Hydro, 1:4k - 1:22k)
Land Information New ZealandThe line where shore and water meet. Although the terminology of coasts and shores is rather confused, shoreline and coastline are generally used as synonyms. S-57 Object Class: Coastline S-57 Acronym: COALNE This data was compiled for the use in the scale range 1:4,000 to 1:22,000. THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT BE USED FOR...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Rock Outcrop Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandAn isolated rock formation that constitutes a prominent or unusual landmark Data Dictionary for rock_outcrop_pnt: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-rock_outcrop_pnt.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
NZ Gas Valve Points (Topo, 1:50k)
Land Information New ZealandA device for the controlling of gas through a pipe Data Dictionary for gas_valve_pnt: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-gas_valve_pnt.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The Topo50 map series provides topographic mapping for the New Zealand mainland, Chatham and New Zealand's offshore islands, at 1:50,000 scale....Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
Bay of Plenty LiDAR Index Tiles (2018)
Land Information New ZealandThis layer contains the Index Tiles for LiDAR data for Bay of Plenty in 2018. The DEM is available as layer Bay of Plenty LiDAR 1m DEM (2018). The DSM is available as layer Bay of Plenty LiDAR 1m DSM (2018). The LAS point cloud and vendor project reports are available from OpenTopography. LiDAR was captured for BOPLASS Limited by AAM New Zealand from 7...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020 -
River polygons (Hydro, 1:4k - 1:22k)
Land Information New ZealandA relatively large natural stream of water. S-57 Object Class: River S-57 Acronym: RIVERS This data was compiled for the use in the scale range 1:4,000 to 1:22,000. THIS DATA DOES NOT REPLACE NAUTICAL CHARTS AND MUST NOT BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. This data is based on the S-57 data format used in Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) published and...Created 1 October 2020 • Updated 1 October 2020