Footpath Renewals
Wellington City CouncilPlanned Roadworks consisting of Road Resurfacing, Structures and Footpath Renewals.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
WCC Transport Planned Works
Wellington City CouncilPlanned Roadworks consisting of Road Resurfacing, Structures and Footpath Renewals.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wellington City CouncilPlanned Roadworks consisting of Road Resurfacing, Structures and Footpath Renewals.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Road Resurfacing
Wellington City CouncilPlanned Roadworks consisting of Road Resurfacing, Structures and Footpath Renewals.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Completed Work
Wellington City CouncilPlanned Roadworks consisting of Road Resurfacing, Structures and Footpath Renewals.Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
NZ Flood Statistics Henderson Collins V2 Layer
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app https://niwa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=933e8f24fe9140f99dfb57173087f27d to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
Flood Statistics 2018 REC1
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app https://niwa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=933e8f24fe9140f99dfb57173087f27d to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
Rational Method HIRDS V3 REC1
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app https://niwa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=933e8f24fe9140f99dfb57173087f27d to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
Flood Statistics Flow Gauges 2018
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedLayer used in public web app https://niwa.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=933e8f24fe9140f99dfb57173087f27d to provide Flood Estimation for New Zealand 1. Modelled flood frequency estimates on river lines.NZREACH NZ digital network 1 ID no.River name where availableAreakm2 catchment area draining to the downstream end of this reach (square...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
Coastal Sensitivity Index CSI erosion
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limitedhttps://gis.niwa.co.nz/arcgis/rest/services/COAST/Coastal_Sensitivity_Index_CSI_erosion/MapServer/ The Coastal Sensitivity Index was developed as part of the Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change (CACC) project. This four-year project funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE contract C0X0802) was intended to create the...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020