NZLRI Erosion Type and Severity
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThe NZLRI is a spatial database containing about 100,000 polygons (map units), each of which describes a parcel of land in terms of five characteristics or attributes (rock, soil, slope, erosion, vegetation). This layer represents a GIS dissolve on the erosion attribute of the NZLRI.Created 3 May 2018 • Updated 3 March 2025 -
Wellington City Corrosion Zone
Wellington City CouncilWellington City Corrosion Zone as determined by NZS 3604:2011. Corrosion Zones relate to the severity of exposure to wind-driven salt, with B being low risk, C medium risk and D high risk (Category A is not applicable in New Zealand). The Wellington City territory authority area is located in zone C aside from the coastal zone. For this reason the coastal...Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedThe Marine Environment Classification (MEC), a GIS-based environmental classification of the marine environment of the New Zealand region, is an ecosystem-based spatial framework designed for marine management purposes. Developed by NIWA with support from the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), Department of Conservation and Ministry of Fisheries, and...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
NZ Coastal Sensitivity Index CSI erosion
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedService Description: The Coastal Sensitivity Index (CSI) provides a snapshot of the potential sensitivity of the New Zealand soft shore coastline to coastal inundation (coastal flooding) and coastal change (erosion and accretion) due to future climate change. The Coastal Sensitivity Index was developed as part of the Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
Coastal Sensitivity Index CSI erosion
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limitedhttps://gis.niwa.co.nz/arcgis/rest/services/COAST/Coastal_Sensitivity_Index_CSI_erosion/MapServer/ The Coastal Sensitivity Index was developed as part of the Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change (CACC) project. This four-year project funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE contract C0X0802) was intended to create the...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020