Well Permits
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilShows the general location of known wells and bores in the Hawke’s Bay Region. Data is usually obtained where a consent has been granted and the bore construction proceeded (Current Bore Permits). As part of the consent process drillers return the data to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council. Each point contains basic summary information about the well or bore...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Heretaunga Tamatea Statutory Acknowledgement Area of Interest
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilPhysical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Testing All Consents
Hawke's Bay Regional Council{{default.description}}Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Rangowhakaata Statutory Acknowledgement Vesting Sites
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilPhysical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Bore Reference Data
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilBore sites for LAWACreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
HBRC Drains
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThe management of the river waterways and drainage areas and the maintenance and repair of flood protection facilities and associated works is the responsibility of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council (HBRC). These datasets represent all known assets that are managed by by the HBRC. It provides the basis for councils decision making on:- work programmes and...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Hawke's Bay Tsunami Evacuation Safe Locations
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilTo provide communities with appropriate information for evacuation in the event of a Tsunami. Evacuation routes are designed to delineate the route from within the zone to beyond the boundary the evacuation zone. The safe locations must be within the safe area. (Outside all evacuation zones or where vertical evacuation options is offered)Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Iwi Boundaries
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilAreas of interest of iwi authorities, hapu groups and other Maori organisations as recorded in Te Kahui Mangai (www.tkm.govt.nz) directory.Iwi boundaries: as per schedule 3 of the Maori Fisheries Act 2004. Can be used in determining affected/interested parties. Maori Administrative Boundaries: Pre-settlement, post settlement and areas of interest for...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Treaty Partners
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilAreas of interest of iwi authorities, hapu groups and other Maori organisations as recorded in Te Kahui Mangai (www.tkm.govt.nz) directory.Iwi boundaries: as per schedule 3 of the Maori Fisheries Act 2004. Can be used in determining affected/interested parties. Maori Administrative Boundaries: Pre-settlement, post settlement and areas of interest for...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Greenfield Areas
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilRelates to areas that are typically undeveloped and depicted in HPUDS for future developmentCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Riparian Protection
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilMinimum Flow SitesCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilMeans the line where the CMA crosses a river, the landward boundary at that point shall be whichever is the lesser of (i) one kilometre upstream from the mouth of the river; or (ii) the point upstream that is calculated by multiplying the width of the river mouth by 5.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Coastal Environment
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilA polygon depicting the coastal margin to which the RCEP applys.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Coastal Margin
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilIs the area between mean high water springs and the inland coastal boundary. The land area to which the RCEP applies.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Sustainable Landuse
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilSustainable Landuse Classes in HBRCCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Tukituki Mask
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilRegional mask for mapping TukitukiCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
SHU Blocks
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThe SHU (Self Help Unit) Blocks dataset was created by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) to identify property blocks over 4 Ha in its Possum Control Area (PCA) programme.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Priority Wetlands
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilDepicts the 11 priority wetlands in Hawke’s Bay.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Low Flow History
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilSome Water Take resource consents have restrictions placed on them when the river flows drop below certain levels. Sites can have multiple flow restriction levels. All of the low flow monitoring sites are shown, along with their restriction level, the most recent river flow and the restriction status of the site. Data can be download as a spreadsheet.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
LAWA Air Management Zone Reference Data
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThis dataset was created to provide information to LAWA as part of the federated data project. The features gazetted airsheds in the Hawke’s Bay region.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020