Coastal Erosion
Gisborne District CouncilGisborne areas susceptible to coastal erosion, coastal flooding and/or tsunami (ASCE) layer as identified in a 2015 study commissioned by the Gisborne District Council. The Gisborne District coastline extends some 500 km from Takararoa in the south to Omaruparoa in the North and comprises some 138 km of sandy and gravel beaches and 202 km of cliffed...Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Areas Sensitive to Coastal Hazards (ASCH)
Gisborne District CouncilGisborne areas sensitive to coastal hazards (ASCH) as identified in the Tairawhiti Resource Management Plan. Coastal hazards occur when a natural process has adverse effects on human safety, property or on objects or areas that are valued by humans, or when human activities generate anomalies in natural processes, causing those processes to act in...Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020 -
Coastal Hazard Overlay
Gisborne District CouncilCoastal hazards occur when a natural process has adverse effects on human safety, property or on objects or areas that are valued by humans, or when human activities generate anomalies in natural processes, causing those processes to act in unforeseen ways. Human responses to such hazards may, in turn, have other adverse effects on the environment and on...Created 9 December 2019 • Updated 3 March 2020