Regional Policy Statement: Coastal Environment Zone
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilPrepared through Variation 1 to the BOP RPS in order to give effect to requirements of NZCPS2010. The Bay of Plenty Regional Council is required under the Resource Management Act and the National Coastal Policy Statement, to define the landward edge of the coastal environment and the areas of high natural character within that environment. The base...Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 27 May 2020 -
Current Consents held by Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilThis layer applies to current consents held by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 25 May 2020 -
Mooring Areas in the Bay of Plenty
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilA mooring area is any area shown as a mooring area in the Bay of Plenty Regional Coastal Environment Plan maps or any area from time to time designated by the Council as a mooring area under the Resource Management Act 1991, where vessels may be placed. This does not include an anchorage (RCEP). Operative December 2019.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 25 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Area Significant Cultural Value (ASCV)
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilAreas of Significant Cultural Value (ASCV) taken from the Regional Coastal Environment Plan. Refer to schedule 6 for further description of the values. https://atlas.boprc.govt.nz/api/v1/edms/document/A3421371/contentCreated 9 January 2020 • Updated 24 May 2020 -
Statutory Acknowledgements - Bay of Plenty
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilThe Ngā Whakaaetanga-ā-Ture ki Te Taiao ā Toi (Statutory Acknowledgements in the Bay of Plenty) is a compendium document to be read as an attachment to and in conjunction with the Bay of Plenty Regional Policy Statement and regional plans, and any variation or change notified by the Bay of Plenty Regional Council. Nga Whakaaetanga-a-Ture ki Te Taiao a Toi...Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Regional Natural Resources Plan: Water Quality - River Polygons and Lakes
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilWater quality classifications from the Regional Natural Resources Plan (RNRP) (formerly the Regional Water and Land Plan).Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Regional Natural Resources Plan: Water Quality - River Lines
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilWater quality classifications from the Regional Natural Resources Plan (RNRP) (formerly the Regional Water and Land Plan).Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Mooring Areas
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilA mooring area is any area shown as a mooring area in the Bay of Plenty Regional Coastal Environment Plan maps or any area from time to time designated by the Council as a mooring area under the Resource Management Act 1991, where vessels may be placed. This does not include an anchorage (RCEP). Operative December 2019.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Surf Breaks
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilShows the approximate location of regionally significant surf breaks for use in coastal planning. Surf breaks were identified using the Wavetrack NZ surfing guide and through community consultation. The breaks identified are divided into the following classes: Point Break - where waves hit a point of land or rocks jutting out from the coastline. Beach...Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes (ONFL)
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilThis data shows the Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes (ONFL) from the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP). Operative December 2019.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Port Zone - Tauranga
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilPort Zone - Tauranga in the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP). Operative December 2019.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Coastal Historic Heritage Inventory
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilCoastal Historic Heritage Inventory in the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP). Operative, December 2019.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Harbour Development Zone
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilHarbour Development Zone from the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP). Operative December 2019.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Shipwreck
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilShipwrecks in the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP). Operative December 2019.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Indigenous Biological Diversity Area (IBDA) - A
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilIndigenous Biological Diversity Area (IBDA) - A from the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP). Operative December 2019. Indigenous Biological Diversity Area A (IBDA A) – areas that meet the criteria contained in Policy 11(a) of the NZCPS, which directs the avoidance of adverse effects on certain biological diversity (biodiversity) values. These sites...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: River Mouth
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilRiver Mouth: As defined in Schedule 1 of the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP). Operative December 2019.Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 20 May 2020 -
Coastal Plan: Indigenous Biological Diversity Area (IBDA) - B
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilIndigenous Biological Diversity Area (IBDA) - B from the Regional Coastal Environment Plan (RCEP). Operative December 2019. Indigenous Biological Diversity Area B (IBDA B) – areas that meet the criteria contained in Policy 11(b) of the NZCPS, which directs the avoidance of significant adverse effects on certain biological diversity (biodiversity) values...Created 2 February 2020 • Updated 19 May 2020 -
Regional Policy Statement: Coastal Environment - Natural Character
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilPrepared through Variation 1 to the BOP RPS in order to give effect to requirements of NZCPS2010. The focus for the Bay of Plenty Regional Council is to identify and map those areas with High and Outstanding Natural Character, in order to given effect to Policy 13 of the NZCPS. The purpose of identification of areas of high and outstanding natural...Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 19 May 2020 -
Regional Coastal Environment Plan
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilThe Regional Coastal Environment Plan promotes sustainable management of the natural and physical resources of the Bay of Plenty's coastal environment.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 19 May 2020 -
Geothermal Field Rotorua
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilLocation of the geothermal fields in Rotorua. The geothermal field boundaries are based on geophysical electrical resistivity survey data from a nominal Schumberger resistivity array spacing of 500 m.Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 19 May 2020