Wellington City CouncilWind Zones for the Wellington City Urban Areas using NZS3604:2011. When applying for a building consent, the wind zone in which a structure is located determines structural requirements (New Zealand Building Code - NZBC B1 - Structure) and weather tight requirements (NZBC E2 - External Moisture). Wind Codes and Wind Zones: 1 Low Wind (L). 2 Medium Wind...Created 21 June 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Wind Zones
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Wind zones ABSTRACT : Wind zones used for building rules within Porirua City. SOURCE DATE: July 2005 SUPPLIER: Terralink Ltd CAPTURE METHOD: This data was converted into a digital format by Terralink Ltd based on consultant model. Where the Wind Zone lines coincided with the property the original DCDB boundary was used. POSITIONAL ACCURACY:...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020