Wellington Region Tsunami Evacuation Zones
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilTsunami evacuation maps containing three zones; red, orange and yellow, corresponding to different threat levels for the development of tsunami evacuation plans, public awareness, self evacuation and official civil defence emergency management or emergency services evacuations in the event of a tsunami. The zones were digitised onto orthophoto coverage...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Chatham Island Tsunami Evacuation Zones
Environment CanterburyThis dataset shows the tsunami evacuation zones for the Chatham Islands Council, drawn in December 2017. What do the zones mean? The Red Zone is the shore exclusion zone, including beaches, estuaries, river mouths and Te Whanga Lagoon. Even if a tsunami is not big enough to flood land, it can cause strong and unusual currents in the water, and...Created 16 July 2020 • Updated 1 September 2020 -
Bay of Plenty Tsunami Evacuation Zone
Bay of Plenty Regional CouncilUpdated in September 2016. The layer shows the Tsunami Evacuation Zone Level 2 and Level 3. Level 3 covers the area of coastline extending from the mouth of the Waiora River west of Tauranga City to the mouth of the Maketu Estuary in the east. The rest of the areas in the BOP are level 2. Level 3 is based on high-resolution inundation modelling of a...Created 9 January 2020 • Updated 29 April 2020 -
Hawke's Bay Tsunami Evacuation Zones
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilTsunamis are a threat to life and property for all people that live, work and play near the New Zealand coast. Evacuation planning is a fundamental component of emergency planning for tsunami. The Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management has established a nationally consistent approach for the development of tsunami evacuation zones and...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020