NZ Coastal Sensitivity Index CSI erosion
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research LimitedService Description: The Coastal Sensitivity Index (CSI) provides a snapshot of the potential sensitivity of the New Zealand soft shore coastline to coastal inundation (coastal flooding) and coastal change (erosion and accretion) due to future climate change. The Coastal Sensitivity Index was developed as part of the Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020 -
NZ Coastal Sensitivity Index CSI inundation
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limitedhttps://gis.niwa.co.nz/arcgis/rest/services/COAST/Coastal_Sensitivity_Index_CSI_inundation/MapServerService Description: The CSI is mapped as coloured line segments around the New Zealand coast. Each of the 1800 line segments corresponds to a unique combination of geomorphic and oceanographic attributes that reflect that part of the coast’s sensitivity to...Created 3 June 2020 • Updated 3 June 2020