Price Cost Ratio
Annual estimates of the Price-Cost Ratio, as appears on the dashboard app
Only Sales of Residential Dwellings (RD) and New Building Consents of Houses contribute to the Price Cost Ratio.
Column Name : Description
- Year : The calendar year of data.
- Area_Name : Name of Area (Territorial Authority, Region, or Expanded Urban Area).
- Area_Code : Area code of Territorial Authorities and Regions. NA if area is an Expanded Urban Area.
- Area_Type : Abbreviated code - Territorial Authority, Region, or Expanded Urban Area.
- Sum_Floor_Area_Sold : The sum of the recorded floor area (meter square) of all sales (RD only).
- Sum_Sale_Price : The sum of all RD only contributing sales in NZD.
- Number_Sales : Number of contributing Property Sales (RD only).
- Price_Per_m2 : the mean price per square meter (floor area) from all RD only sales.
- Number_BC : The number of contributing New Building Consents of Houses.
- Cost_Per_m2 : The mean value of the price per meter square of New Building Consents of Houses.
- Sum_Value_New : The sum of the indicated value of New Building Consents of Houses in NZD.
- Sum_Floor_Area_New : The sum of the floor area (meter square) for New Building Consents of Houses.
- PCR : The ratio of the mean Price per square meter of Sales to the indicated mean Cost per square meter of building consents.
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
Year | numeric | Year | This is the four digit year to which the observations and totals belong. This is a calendar year. Data attached to the current year will be further built upon as the year progresses. |
Area_Name | text | Area_Name | Area name description. |
Area_Code | text | Area_Code | LINZ area code where applicable. EUAs are not a LINZ geography and will not include a code. |
Area_Type | text | Area_Type | Abbreviation of area type. "Reg" are Regional Council boundaries from 2013; "TA" are Territorial Authority boundaries 2013; and "EUA" are defined in the appropriate guidance. |
Sum_Floor_Area_Sold | numeric | The annual sum of floor area sold of property classified as Residential Dwellings (RD) as recorded in the District Valuation Records. This is closely regarded as "Houses". This will not include lifestyle blocks, apartments, townhouses or flats. |
Sum_Sale_Price | numeric | The annual sum of sale prices of property classified as Residential Dwellings (RD) as recorded in the District Valuation Records. This is closely regarded as "Houses". This will not include lifestyle blocks, apartments, townhouses or flats. |
Number_Sales | numeric | The annual number of sales of property classified as Residential Dwellings (RD) as recorded in the District Valuation Records. This is closely regarded as "Houses". This will not include lifestyle blocks, apartments, townhouses or flats. |
Price_Per_m2 | numeric | The sum sale price divided by the sum of floor area. |
Number_BC | text | The number of Building Consents (Houses only). NAs introduced where no building consent recorded |
Cost_Per_m2 | text | The sum value of new building consents (Houses only) plus 30%, divided by the sum of floor area indicated on the new Building Consents (Houses only). |
Sum_Value_New | text | The annual sum of the value of the building consent (Houses only). NAs introduced where no building consent recorded. |
PCR | text | The price per m2 divided by the cost per m2. NAs introduced where no building consent recorded determining the Price Cost Ratio as NA also |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Last updated | 26 February 2025 |
Metadata last updated | 26 February 2025 |
Created | 2020-08-12 |
Format | CSV |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand |
Created | 4 years ago |
Media type | text/csv |
Size | 342,788 |
Datastore active | True |
Has views | True |
Id | 956fbc8c-5723-4ec4-a8a5-7192cbbbaad1 |
Package id | 282744c5-1b2f-4b63-9490-2a36601e535e |
Position | 1 |
State | active |
Url type | upload |
Size | 342788 |