Members of Pteridaceae in New Zealand are terrestrial species with erect to long-creeping rhizomes and 1-5-pinnate fronds. The sori are either completely unprotected and extend along the veins, or are marginal and protected by the modified inrolled lamina margin. All species have trilete spores.
Adiantum includes six indigenous species, two of them endemic, and another two naturalised, all characterised by their polished dark brown stipes, flabellate or oblong ultimate lamina segments, and sori protected by reniform or oblong reflexed lamina flaps. Anogramma leptophylla is the sole species of the genus in New Zealand, distinguished by its small delicate laminae, and unprotected sori extending along the veins. Cheilanthes is represented by two indigenous and one casual species, having small to medium-sized, 2-3-pinnate fronds, and elongated marginal sori protected by inrolled pinna margins. Pellaea has two non-endemic indigenous species, with long-creeping rhizomes, pinnate fronds, scaly stipes and rachises, and scarcely protected sori almost continuous around the pinna margins. Pteris comprises five indigenous species, three of them endemic, and seven naturalised or casual species, with medium to large, 1-4-pinnate fronds, and sori continuous along the pinna edges, protected by membranous inrolled pinna margins.
Most species of Pteridaceae in New Zealand occur more frequently in northern or eastern parts of the country. Adiantum cunninghamii and Pellaea rotundifolia are unusual in being widespread species. Adiantum aethiopicum, A. diaphanum, A. fulvum, A. hispidulum, P. macilenta, P. saxatilis and P. tremula have a mainly northern distribution extending only to northern parts of the South Island, and P. carsei is confined to the North Island. Anogramma leptophylla, Cheilanthes distans, C. sieberi and Pellaea calidirupium all occur most commonly in eastern parts of the country, especially in the South Island. Two species have very restricted distributions - Adiantum formosum currently known only from the vicinity of the Manawatu Gorge, and Pteris epaleata from Fiordland.
The naturalised genus Myriopteris is represented by a single species, M. lendigera, which is distinguished by its 3-pinnate fronds, long pale orange hairs on the abaxial surfaces, and sori produced on small rounded tertiary pinnae.
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Field | Value |
Last updated | 13 June 2021 |
Metadata last updated | 1 February 2024 |
Created | unknown |
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License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International |
Created | 4 years ago |
Media type | application/pdf |
Size | 10,183,543 |
Datastore active | False |
Has views | False |
Id | 97215842-8ecc-4067-a7a6-fc18250f6fc9 |
Package id | 1561fced-7d1b-4726-ba21-46e538221fc3 |
Position | 0 |
State | active |
Size | 10183543 |