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233 datasets found
Metlink Fare Zones
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilMetlink Fare Zone Boundary Lines. Based off original 2007 boundaries, updated in May 2011, then edited by S.Du, R.Chalabanlou,J.Gibson in May-June 2018 for new fare zone boundaries valid from 15 July 2018 onwards. Corresponds to new text description of zones valid from 15 July 2018.Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Bulk Water Pumping Stations
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThe location of pumping stations in the Bulk Water Supply network that services the councils on the Western side of the Wellington Region. This network is maintained by Wellington Water Ltd on behalf of GWRC.Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GW Aerial basemap 2017
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilAerial imagery cached basemap based off imagery from Feb 2017 for GWRC web mapping. Based off GWRC 0.3m pixel RGBI imagery for complete coverage of the GW Region, plus 0.1m "urban" imagery for urban areas, acquired by local TAs. All images captured for the WAGGIS Local Government consortium with the assistance of LINZ.Created 2 April 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
GWRC Flood Hazards Areas for the Wellington Region
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilCombined regional flood hazards extent for rivers and streams in the Wellington Region. Data supplied in Feb 2017 from GWRC Flood Protection Dept for the GWRC public flood hazard maps project. Extra extent data supplied by KCDC and WCC was added in May 2017. If you want more information about Flood Risk in the Western part of the Region, please contact...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Wairarapa Building Outlines
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis data shows the outline of all buildings located in the Wairarapa districts in the Wellington region as viewed from aerial photography capture in 2013. The processed data was added to preexisting outlines created for flood modelling purposes. Both datasets were used in the Greater Wellington Regional Council topographic base map layers used on...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Wellington Region Earthquake Induced Slope Failure
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilSlope failure includes all types of failures in slopes, including falls, slides, avalanches, flows, and slumps in both soil and rock. Failures caused by liquefaction are excluded from this study. Earthquake induced slope failures are defined as those caused directly or triggered by earthquakes. The majority of earthquake induced slope failures will occur...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
Wellington Region Ground Shaking Hazard Zones
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThe occurrence of earthquakes in the Wellington Region is inevitable due to its location at the boundary of two crustal plates. Earthquakes have the potential to cause significant adverse effects within the Region, including loss of life, injury, and social and economic disruption. In recognition of these potential effects, the Wellington Regional Council...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule M1 - Surface Drinking Water Protection Area
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilCapture zones for community supply wells in the Wellington region. Existing calibrated groundwater flow models were used to define the capture zones for relevant wells in the Kāpiti Coast, Hutt Valley and Ruamāhanga River Valley. A capture zone is defined as the total source area that contributes groundwater to a well. Particle tracking methods were used...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Category 2 Surface Waterbodies
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThe sites in this dataset are mapped fromexisting schedules and datasets that appear in the Plan according to the definition of Category 2 surface water bodies in Chapter 2 - Interpretation:Category 2 surface water body includes, and is limited to:(a) estuaries other than those identified in Schedule F4 (coastal sites), and(b) within the mapped lowland...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Boatshed Management Areas
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilBoatshed management areas identified and mapped in the Wellington region for the Proposed Natural Resources Plan from aerial orthophotos.Areas shown in this feature class pertain to Policy P140: Boatshed Management Areas; Policy P141: Boatsheds, and; Rule R176: Use of a boatshed; Rule R177: Change of use of boatsheds; Rule R178: New boatsheds in a...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule M1 - Surface Drinking Water Abstraction Site
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis feature class identifies the surface community drinking abstraction sites to which policies and rules in the Plan apply in order to give effect to the The National Environmental Standard (NES) for Sources of Human Drinking Water (2007). The NES for Sources of Human Drinking Water (2007) directs regional councils to consider the potential impacts of...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule I - Trout Spawning Water
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilTrout spawning waters in the Wellington Region identified by Wellington Fish and Game and based on the Fisheries Resource Inventory. Each catchment and river has its own inventory database that is continually updated and added to with information from field work that includes drift dive surveys, fish traps, electric fishing counts and tagging. Trout spawn...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule M1 - Surface Drinking Water Protection Area
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis feature class identifies the community drinking supply catchments to which policies and rules in the Plan apply in order to give effect to the The National Environmental Standard (NES) for Sources of Human Drinking Water (2007). The NES for Sources of Human Drinking Water (2007) directs regional councils to consider the potential impacts of land use...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule M1 - Surface Drinking Water Supply River
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis feature class identifies the community drinking supply rivers to which policies and rules in the Plan apply in order to give effect to the The National Environmental Standard (NES) for Sources of Human Drinking Water (2007). The NES for Sources of Human Drinking Water (2007) directs regional councils to consider the potential impacts of land use...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule J - Significant geological feaures in the coastal marine area
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThis dataset shows sites identified in the coastal marine area in the Wellington Region with significant geological values. The sites were identified by a review of existing information, expert opinion and field surveys. The inclusion of geological features of regional significance in the coastal marine area in the Natural Resources Plan gives effect to...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Category 1 Surface Waterbodies
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThe sites in this dataset are mapped from existing schedules that appear in the Plan according to the Category 1 surface water body definition in Chapter 2 - Interpretation:Category 1 surface water body includes, and is limited to: (a) sites with significant mana whenua values identified in Schedule C (mana whenua), and(b) inanga spawning habitat...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule M2 - Drinking Water Groundwater Supply Well
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilCommunity groundwater drinking water supply wells in the Wellington region mapped to support Schedule M2. This layer is a companion to the feature class Community Drinking Water Groundwater Protection Areas. More information related to this layer can be found in the report: Toews, M.W., Donath, F. (2015), Capture Zone Delineation of Community Supply Wells...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule F1 - High Macroinvertebrate community health
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilWater bodies (rivers, streams and their tributaries and Lake Wairarapa) within the Greater Wellington Region predicted to have high macroinvertebrate community index (MCI) health scores based on the extent of indigenous vegetation cover. Schedule F1 replicates Table 16 of the Regional Policy Statement for the Wellington Region, based on Warr et al (2009),...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule E5 - Historic Heritage Freshwater Site
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilThe sites and information contained in this feature layer are based on a survey of historic heritage in freshwater locations (beds of lakes and rivers) of the Wellington region, commissioned in two reports by Greater Wellington Regional Council. These sites pertain to Policy P46: Managing adverse effects on sites with significant historic heritage value...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020 -
NRP - Schedule A - Outstanding Waterbodies
Greater Wellington Regional CouncilOutstanding waterbodies in the Wellington region including lakes, rivers and wetlands with biodiversity values for indigenous species.Schedule A1: Rivers with outstanding indigenous ecosystems values. Values include aquatic plants; indigenous fish diversity; threatened fish species; wildlife habitat; high macroinvertebrate health.Schedule A2: Lakes with...Created 6 February 2020 • Updated 2 September 2020
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