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29 datasets found
Well and Bore locations - Waikato Region
Waikato Regional CouncilThis layer has unique located bores with only attributes in common to each bore. This dataset reflects the WRC content of the National Wells Database -, which catalogues all well/bore locations in the Waikato region where Waikato Regional Council holds environmental data/information electronically. Complete record from...Created 17 September 2021 • Updated 20 July 2023 -
Water Allocation Calculator - Catchments Seasonal Water Allocation
Waikato Regional CouncilLayer contains catchments defined for use with WRC Water Allocation Calculator (WAC). Attributes include monthly totals of allocated water aggregated to catchments from IRIS authorisations and applications and includes ecological limits and modelled water usage. Metadata: 21 September 2021 • Updated 21 September 2021 -
Outstanding Natural Features and Landscapes - Broad Landscape Types
Waikato Regional CouncilIndicative location of nine categories of landscape types that characterise the Waikato Region. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 20 September 2021 -
Land Drainage Schemes - Schemes
Waikato Regional CouncilLand drainage scheme areas managed by Waikato Regional Council. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Land Drainage Schemes - Drains
Waikato Regional CouncilDrains which make up the Waikato Regional Council managed rural land drainage network. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Land Drainage Schemes - Differentials
Waikato Regional CouncilRating Classification Differentials for Waikato Regional Council Land Drainage Schemes used to support targeted rating. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Kahikatea Dominant Vegetation 2012
Waikato Regional CouncilLikely Kahikatea digitized based on WRAPS 2012 aerial photography and checked - where possible - using Google Earth Street View. The KAHIKATEA_2012 layer has an estimated accuracy of approx. 90%. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) - Boundary Zones
Waikato Regional CouncilIntegrated Catchment Management (ICM) boundary zones. A visual representation of how the Region has been divided for management purposes. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Healthy Rivers - River Freshwater Management Units
Waikato Regional CouncilFour Freshwater Management Units created from the NIWA REC Catchments: Taupo Gates to Karapiro. Karapiro to Ngaruawahia. Ngaruawahia to Port Waikato. Waipa River. These catchments encompass the area of the combined Healthy Rivers catchments. Used as the starting catchments for Healthy Rivers. The dataset includes boundary information for the Waikato and...Created 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Healthy Rivers - Monitoring Nodes
Waikato Regional CouncilCatchment monitoring points (outflow point for the catchments) used for Healthy Rivers - Plan Change 1 mapping and analysis. Project branded as Healthy Rivers: Plan for Change / Wai Ora: He Rautaki Whakapaipai. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Healthy Rivers - Lake Freshwater Management Units
Waikato Regional CouncilFreshwater Management Units depicting lake catchments. Dune riverine, volcanic and some peat lake types were created from the NIWA REC Catchments. Not all lake FMU catchments are mutually exclusive (overlaps occur). For example; lake FMU catchment "A" can have an outflow to another larger lake FMU catchment "B" resulting in catchment "A" being contained...Created 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Healthy Rivers - Catchments
Waikato Regional CouncilCatchment boundaries (i.e. sub-catchments boundaries) for Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1: Waikato and Waipā River Catchments – Decisions Version. The decisions version of Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 was notified on Wednesday, 22 April 2020. From the date of the public notice (22 April 2020) Proposed Waikato Regional Plan Change 1 is...Created 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Catchment Boundaries - NZMS260 Map Series
Waikato Regional CouncilCatchment polygons for part of the region and associated attributes. All catchments are from confluence with another river or coast. Partial catchments (..._PARTL) are from arbitrary points within the catchment (e.g. flow recorder locations) or are combinations of multiple catchments (e.g. Hauraki Gulf catchment). Metadata:...Created 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Biodiversity Vegetation 2012
Waikato Regional CouncilTerrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands mapped off WRAPS 2012 imagery using a simplified version of the Land Cover DataBase (LCDB) classifications for the Waikato Region. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Biodiversity Vegetation 2007
Waikato Regional CouncilTerrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands over 0.5ha mapped off WRAPS 2007 orthophotography using a slightly simplified version of the LCDB (1 and 2) classifications. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Biodiversity Vegetation 2002
Waikato Regional CouncilTerrestrial vegetation, sand dunes and wetlands over 0.5ha mapped off WRAPS 2002 orthophotography using a slightly simplified version of the LCDB (1 and 2) classifications. Only classes relevant to regional biodiversity have been mapped. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Bioclimatic Zones
Waikato Regional CouncilBioclimatic Zones of the Waikato Region. Bioclimatic zones are broad divisions of the landscape based on major climate influencers in NZ (primarily temperature and moisture balance which roughly correspond with altitude) that drive vegetation pattern. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Authorisations - Navigational Safety Consents
Waikato Regional CouncilActive Navigational Safety Permits. Authorisation type is Special Event. A view of data held within the Consents module of the Integrated Regional Information System (IRIS) database. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Authorisations - Active Resource Consents
Waikato Regional CouncilActive Resource Consents. Authorisation type includes Resource Consent, Permitted Activity and Certificate of Compliance. A view of data held within the Consents module of the Integrated Regional Information System (IRIS) database. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021 -
Authorisations - Active Building Consents
Waikato Regional CouncilActive Building Consents. Authorisation type is Building Consent. A view of data held within the Consents module of the Integrated Regional Information System (IRIS) database. Metadata: 17 September 2021 • Updated 17 September 2021
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