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75 datasets found
Sewer Lift Station
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Sewer Lift Stations ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - sewer lift stations SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved)...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Water Meters
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Water Meters ABSTRACT : Porirua City Councils Utilities Infrastructure - water meters SOURCE DATE: 16/05/97 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized or Georeferenced into CAD then GIS and attributes entered into AMS. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally less 10m from actual position. (This is being improved) CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: AMS...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Corrosion Zone
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Corrosion Zone ABSTRACT : Porirua City Corrosion Zones for building assessment using NZS3604 standard SOURCE DATE: 16/03/2009 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Buffered hydro segment. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: +/- 1.5m from actual position. CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: GIS Team OWNERSHIP: Porirua City Council, Council Building Team ACCURACY...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Building Footprints
Porirua City CouncilBuilding Footprints ABSTRACT :Porirua City building footprint outlines for urban and rural areasSOURCE DATE:1/2/2016SUPPLIER:PCCCAPTURE METHOD:Digitised using Stereoscopy from aerialsPOSITIONAL ACCURACY:Generally +/-3.5m in urban areas, up to +/-12m in rural areasCUSTODIAN/CONTACT:GIS Team, Ph 04 2375089 Ext 8473OWNERSHIP:PCC Building and Administration...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Suburbs ABSTRACT : These zones indicate formal suburb boundaries within Porirua City. SOURCE DATE: 11/11/09 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized with consideration to meshblocks and postcodes; snapped to parcel boundaries. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally +/- 5m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: GIS Team OWNERSHIP: Porirua City Council,...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Porirua City CouncilNAME: Porirua City Walkways ABSTRACT : Council maintained walkways SOURCE DATE: March 2007 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council Parks Department. CAPTURE METHOD: Tracks marked up from GPS waypoints POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally +/- 20m but worse in dense bush areas CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Porirua City Council Parks team UPDATE FREQUENCY: As requested USAGE: many...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Porirua City CouncilNAME: Kerbs ABSTRACT: Porirua City roadway kerbs SOURCE DATE: March 2019 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Marked up on GIS using Asabuilt capture from surveys. POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally +/- 1m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Porirua City Council Roading Team UPDATE FREQUENCY: Not updated USAGE: COMPLETENESS: 98% KEYWORDS: Parking, RoadsCreated 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Wind Zones
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Wind zones ABSTRACT : Wind zones used for building rules within Porirua City. SOURCE DATE: July 2005 SUPPLIER: Terralink Ltd CAPTURE METHOD: This data was converted into a digital format by Terralink Ltd based on consultant model. Where the Wind Zone lines coincided with the property the original DCDB boundary was used. POSITIONAL ACCURACY:...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Public Toilets
Porirua City CouncilDESCRIPTION : Toilet location within Porirua City SOURCE DATE: Sep 2006 CAPTURE METHOD: Description taken from PCC AMS & Digitized into GIS POSITIONAL ACCURACY: +/- 10m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Parks & Reserves Manager OWNERSHIP: Porirua City Council USAGE: No restraint on usage or supply. UPDATE FREQUENCY: As required COMMENTS: 100% Complete....Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Contours (1m)
Porirua City CouncilDESCRIPTION: Contour Lines for Porirua Urban areas (1m) showing elevation. SOURCE DATE: Dec 2013 SUPPLIER: Terralink International Ltd. CAPTURE METHOD: Photogrammetry with ground control POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally +/-1m horizontal and vertical CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Terralink International Ltd PH 0508 483 772 OWNERSHIP: PCC Corporate Services ACCURACY...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Contours (5m)
Porirua City CouncilDESCRIPTION: Contour Lines for Porirua rural areas (5m) showing elevation. SOURCE DATE: Dec 2013 SUPPLIER: Terralink International Ltd. CAPTURE METHOD: Photogrammetry with ground control POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Generally +/-1m horizontal and vertical CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Terralink International Ltd PH 0508 483 772 OWNERSHIP: PCC Corporate Services ACCURACY...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Catchment Areas ABSTRACT : Main catchment and sub-catchment areas for water drainage SOURCE DATE: April 2008 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digital terrain model generated from our1 and 5m contours as basis for delineation POSITIONAL ACCURACY: Less +/- 10m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: GIS Team OWNERSHIP: Porirua City Council USAGE:...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Porirua City CouncilDESCRIPTION : These are Gazetteered as being public reserves and include, PCC, DOC and WCC etc. owned reserves, but excludes road reserves. SOURCE DATE: Oct 2005 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Copied from LINZ cadastre and maintained in house POSITIONAL ACCURACY: +/- 2m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Porirua City Council, Parks and Reserves Planner...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Porirua City CouncilLAYER NAME: Sports_grounds ABSTRACT : Council maintained sports fields SOURCE DATE: Feb 2008 SUPPLIER: Porirua City Council CAPTURE METHOD: Digitized into GIS POSITIONAL ACCURACY: +/- 2m CUSTODIAN/CONTACT: Parks & Reserves Manager OWNERSHIP: Porirua City Council USAGE: See our website for ground status or...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020 -
Porirua City CouncilHydro segments to show coastline around Porirua harbourThe combination of this layer with the other land parcels and road parcels equates to the primary parcels layer which provides all current parcels for New Zealand (i.e. excludes historic and pending parcels).This set of three parcel layers (land, road and hydro) enables easy access to the most common...Created 3 February 2020 • Updated 3 February 2020
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