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36 datasets found
Children and young people with charges finalised in the Youth Court
Ministry of JusticeThe number of charges and number of children and young people (aged 10 - 16 years) with charges finalised in the Youth Court, by offence type (ANZSOC division), charge outcome, court, most serious order, age, gender and ethnicity.Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 30 September 2019 -
Children and young people with charges finalised in any court
Ministry of JusticeThe number of charges and number of children and young people (aged 10 - 16 years) with charges finalised in any court (including the Youth, District and High Court), by offence type (ANZSOC division), charge outcome, court, most serious order, age, gender and ethnicity.Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 30 September 2019 -
People charged and convicted of homicide offences
Ministry of JusticeThe number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of homicide offences, including murder, attempted murder, manslaughter and driving causing death. By charge outcome, most serious sentence, gender, ethnicity and age.Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 30 September 2019 -
Three strikes offences
Ministry of JusticeThese tables include information on people sentenced for serious violent offences which are subject to warnings or maximum sentences under the Sentencing Act 2002. The process covered by sections 86A - 86I of the Act is commonly known as "three strikes". Stage-1 offence ('first strike') - a first warning is issued when a person aged 18 or over at the time...Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 30 September 2019 -
Legal Aid grants
Ministry of JusticeThe number of legal aid grants for criminal, family, civil and Waitangi Tribunal by region, amount of legal aid expenditure and gender, ethnicity and age of people granted legal aid.Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 30 September 2019 -
People granted final name suppression
Ministry of JusticeThe number of charges and people where final name suppression was granted. By offence type (ANZSOC division), charge outcome, most serious sentence, age, gender and ethnicity.Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 30 September 2019 -
People remanded on bail or at large and offending while on bail or at large
Ministry of JusticeThe number of people remanded on bail (including electronically monitored (EM) bail) or at large, and the number of offences committed while on bail or at large. By offence type (ANZSOC division), gender, ethnicty, and age.Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 30 September 2019 -
People charged and convicted of cannabis offences
Ministry of JusticeThe number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of cannabis offences. By offence type (ANZSOC subdivision), charge outcome, most serious sentence, court, age, gender and ethnicity. Includes number of instances people were convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for cannabis offences only.Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 30 September 2019 -
People charged and convicted of methamphetamine offences
Ministry of JusticeThe number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of methamphetamine offences. By offence type (ANZSOC subdivision), charge outcome, most serious sentence, court, age, gender and ethnicity. Includes number of instances people were convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for methamphetamine offences only.Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 30 September 2019 -
Collections closing outstanding balance
Ministry of JusticeThe amount of fines and reparations imposed and paid.Created 23 April 2019 • Updated 18 September 2019 -
Māori Land Court District Boundaries
Ministry of JusticeMāori Land Court District Boundaries provided in ESRI compatable Shapefile format for the Taitokerau, Waikato-Maniapoto, Waiariki, Tairāwhiti, Takitimu, Aotea and Te Waipounamu Districts of the Māori Land CourtCreated 21 August 2017 • Updated 21 August 2017 -
Māori Land Spatial Dataset
Ministry of JusticeThe Māori Land Spatial Dataset is a combination of the spatial data available in the map search section of the Māori Land Online website and static data containing information about management structures that may be associated with those Māori land parcels.Created 21 August 2017 • Updated 21 August 2017 -
Register of Māori Incorporations for New Zealand
Ministry of JusticeA national register of the legal name and registered contact information for Māori Incorporations which are subject to Part 13 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 and the jurisdiction of the Māori Land Court. The information is considered a Public Register under section 279(4) of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993. Data includes Māori Land Court district,...Created 10 April 2017 • Updated 13 July 2017 -
National register of Māori Land Trusts in New Zealand
Ministry of JusticeA list of all land based trusts subject to Part 12 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 and the jurisdiction of the Māori Land Court - includes all Ahu Whenua Trusts, Whenua Tōpū Trusts, Māori Reservations, Pūtea Trusts and Other Trusts (not created by the Māori Land Court). Data includes Māori Land Court district, Management structure ID number, Management...Created 10 April 2017 • Updated 13 July 2017 -
Māori Land Blocks in New Zealand - National List
Ministry of JusticeA list of all Māori Freehold Land and Māori Customary Land blocks in New Zealand. Data includes Māori Land Court District, block identification number, block name(s), alternative block name(s), status type, area, number of beneficial owners, total area and any Land Information New Zealand title references. Metadata descriptors included in spread sheet.Created 10 April 2017 • Updated 13 July 2017 -
Register of alcohol licences and manager certificates
Ministry of JusticeListing of Alcohol Regulatory and Licencing Agency (ARLA) venues licensed to sell alcohol, and the individuals who hold the alcohol licences.Created 10 April 2017 • Updated 10 April 2017
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