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467 datasets found
Other Party Collaborator - IP Management Plan
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThis IP Plan sets out how a collaborator who is not a party to the NZBH Challenge Collaboration agreement, shall manage the intellectual property arising from Challenge Programmes to maximise the benefit of that Project IP for New Zealand.Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Kauri Dieback Science Stocktake
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchA list of past and current research focused on biology, impacts and management of kauri dieback (Phytophthora agathidicida). Builds on work previously undertaken by the BioHeritage Challenge and MPI. Collated with assistance from DOC and MPI. This is a living document and we need your help to find those additional publications, research projects or...Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
Lead Collaborator Terms & Conditons
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThese terms and conditions govern how funding is used to perform the research required to be carried out under the NSCIC and Challenge Programme Agreements made in accordance with the NSCIC.Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
NZBH Intellectual Property Management Plan
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThis IP Plan sets out how the Challenge Members intend to manage the intellectual property arising from Challenge Programmes to maximise the benefit of that Project IP for New Zealand.Created 29 July 2021 • Updated 29 July 2021 -
LCDB v4.1 - Land Cover Database version 4.1, Chatham Islands
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThe New Zealand Land Cover Database (LCDB) is a multi-temporal, thematic classification of New Zealand's land cover. It contains 33 mainland classes (35 including the offshore Chatham Islands). The classification has evolved from version to version but backward compatibility has been maintained. Geographic features are described by a polygon boundary, a...Created 3 May 2018 • Updated 10 October 2020 -
LCDB v4.1 - Land Cover Database version 4.1, Mainland New Zealand
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThe New Zealand Land Cover Database (LCDB) is a multi-temporal, thematic classification of New Zealand's land cover. It contains 33 mainland classes (35 including the offshore Chatham Islands). The classification has evolved from version to version but backward compatibility has been maintained. Geographic features are described by a polygon boundary, a...Created 3 May 2018 • Updated 10 October 2020 -
Land Eelements (North Island)
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchThis data layer was derived from terrain analysis of a 25 m resolution national digital terrain model to create a setof landform elements. The landform elements are derived from a fuzzy classification based on local geometry (curvature and slope) and landscape context, and provide a primary foundation for mapping soil distribution in steepland land...Created 3 May 2018 • Updated 3 June 2018
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