146 datasets found

  • Maintenance Dredging Site

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    A Maintenance Dredging Site is a site where any dredging of the seabed necessary to maintain water depths to dredging levels previously approved by a resource consent, for the safe and convenient navigation of ships in navigation channels and at berthing and mooring facilities takes place. Areas will be identified where the disposal of dredge material...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • HBRC All Resource Consents

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    HBRC All Resource Consent Information - all consents status. The HBRC IRIS App Auth Points layer shows the location and associated application/authorisation information for all applications received by HBRC and all authorisations granted by HBRC. This includes all applications that have been granted, declined, withdrawn or are currently being processed....
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • Hawke's Bay Flood Detention Dams

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    A detention dam is a dam built to catch surface runoff and stream water flow in order to regulate the water flow in areas below the dam. Detention dams are used to reduce the damage caused by flooding and to manage the flow rate through the downstream channels. The reservoir behind the dam is normally dry, and will only fill during severe rainfall.Failure...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • HBRC Asset Points

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    The management of the river waterways and drainage areas and the maintenance and repair of flood protection facilities and associated works is the responsibility of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council (HBRC). These datasets (AssetManagement_AssetPoints, AssetManagement_AssetLines, AssetManagement_Polygon) represent all known assets that are managed by by the...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • HBRC Asset Lines

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    The management of the river waterways and drainage areas and the maintenance and repair of flood protection facilities and associated works is the responsibility of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council (HBRC). These datasets (AssetManagement_AssetPoints, AssetManagement_AssetLines, AssetManagement_Polygon) represent all known assets that are managed by by the...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
  • HBRC Asset Polygons

    Hawke's Bay Regional Council
    The management of the river waterways and drainage areas and the maintenance and repair of flood protection facilities and associated works is the responsibility of the Hawke's Bay Regional Council (HBRC). These datasets (AssetManagement_AssetPoints, AssetManagement_AssetLines, AssetManagement_Polygon) represent all known assets that are managed by by the...
    Created 29 January 2020 Updated 29 January 2020
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