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146 datasets found
Historic Heritage Area
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilA Management Area (including an archaeological site); or any building or structure (including part of a building or structure); or any combination of land and a building or structure that forms part of the historical and cultural heritage of New Zealand and lies within the territorial limits of New Zealand; and includes anything that is in or fixed to...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Significant Conservation Areas
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilMeans an area within the coastal marine area identified for the purposes of this Plan to manage activities and the effects of activities within areas having significant conservation values, particularly cultural, ecological, historic, or wildlife values. The areas are identified on the maps in Volume 2 of this Plan. Where a Significant Conservation Area...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Heretaunga Plains Sub Region
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilHeretaunga Plains Urban Development Strategy, HPUDS, Regional Planning, RRMPCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Unsustainable Land Use
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilExtent of Area of Unsustainable Land UseCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Stock Management Area
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilAn area where stock must not enter in the upper Ahuriri Estuary.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Awatoto Gravel Extraction
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilLocation of Gravel extraction authorised by a coastal permit (CL020082) in the Awatoto Gravel Extraction Area. means an area within the coastal marine area identified on the planning maps for the purposes of this Plan to manage the effects of extracting gravel and other sediment for commercial purposes by Winstone Aggregates.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Aquaculture Management Area
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilA precautionary approach shall be adopted to development of aquaculture activities within Aquaculture Management Areas to ensure that the erection, placement, use of, and occupation of space by structures associated with aquaculture activities in the coastal arine area avoid, as far as practicable, any adverse effects (including cumulative effects) on the...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Westshore Esk Coastal Hazard
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilDisplays the existing coastal hazard zone that are currently included in the City of Napier District Plan. This layer covers the area between the mouth of the Inner Harbour at Ahuriri, to the Esk River Mouth at Bay ViewCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Land Use Cover 1995 and 1996
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThis dataset contains information on the landcover in Hawke's Bay. The region is divided into polygons, each of which has a consistent predominant landcover throughout, as determined from satallite images and some site visits. Each record in the data set is associated with one of the polygons, and it includes some dimensional statistics for the polygon...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Vegetation Clearance Management Area
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilThis dataset refers to the boundaries of the Hawke's Bay Region. It contains information on a set of polygons which represent the mainland area and offshore islands of the region. The union of the set represents the land area of the Hawke's Bay Region, and the union of the boundaries of the polygons is the boundary of the region. The dimensions and...Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Hawke's Bay Bus Routes
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilPublic transport is so important to the local economy and social well being of our region. HBRC plays a key role in planning, procuring, funding and promoting public transport. goBay bus services in and around Hastings, Flaxmere, Havelock North, Taradale and Napier are managed by Hawke's Bay Regional Council and operated by GoBus.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilHBRC's LiDAR coverage/extent, contains name of area and date flown. To obtain LiDAR ground points or contours (250mm, 1m or 10m) for these areas please email Data can be provided for an area of interest in either a feature class, CAD, or ASCII XYZ file.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Tukituki Minimum Flow Sites
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilMinimum flows are outlined in Table 5.9.3 and Table 5.9.6 of Plan Change 6. Minimum flows are described in POL TT7, POL TT9, POL TT10, POL TT11Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Area Covered by Plan Change 6
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilArea covered by Plan Change 6Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Tukituki LUC Landcover
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilLandcover for the TukitukiCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Ngati Manawa Statutory Acknowledgement Area of Interest
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilPhysical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
The Iwi and Hapū of Te Wairoa Deeds of Settlement Sites
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilPhysical features over which claimant groups have cultural, spiritual, historic and traditional association with specific areas of crown owned land.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
LAWA Resource Consent Reference Data Water Takes
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilProvides information about Hawke’s Bay Regional Council resource consents for water takes. The information is provided as part of the EMAR Federated data project. Approximate consent locations, consented water use information and dates of operation are providedCreated 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
LAWA Monitoring Site Reference Data
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilProvides information about Hawke’s Bay Regional Council environmental monitoring sites that are providing information as part of the EMAR Federated data project. Site locations, types, and some basic additional information (including flow statistics) are provided.Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020 -
Hawke's Bay Regional CouncilRelates to Rule 7 of Schedule X in the HB RRMP. Vegetation Clearance and Soil Disturbance. Refer to the Regional Rules 6.3.3 of the RRMP (pg.125).Created 29 January 2020 • Updated 29 January 2020
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