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9 datasets found
Saddle Hill Colliery, Green Island district. Mine plan
GNS ScienceMine plan on heavy paper, with annotation in pencil and ink, medium in detail, in fair condition. - Observation measure: n/a. - Map size: B1. - Coordinates give rough placement only. - was previously held in Dunedin Office Vertical File (I44), now in rolled maps part of Mapping Vertical File. Keywords: GREEN ISLAND (SUBURB); GEOLOGIC MAPS; DUNEDINCreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 29 June 2021 -
Mercer diatomite deposit
GNS ScienceMap on ammonia print, with annotation in pencil and ink, sparse in detail, in good condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B1. Keywords: MERCER; DIATOMACEOUS EARTH; WAIKATO RIVER; MARAMARUACreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 10 May 2021 -
GNS ScienceThe Elevation Database contains a collection of separate datasets related to landscape morphology representing a visual snap shot of the earth’s surface. Different instruments and collection methods are used for the different datasets, and the spatial resolution of the datasets are variable. LiDAR data is open source data obtained from LINZ...Created 10 October 2020 • Updated 10 February 2021 -
Maruia Map
GNS ScienceMap on photocopy, with annotation in pencil and ink, rich in detail, in fair condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B0. Keywords: GEOLOGIC MAPS; MARUIA RIVER; GLENROY RIVER; MATAKITAKI RIVER; SPRINGS JUNCTIONCreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 10 October 2020 -
Buller-Mokihinui subdivision - Ohika survey district W. Field sheet
GNS ScienceMap on cotton canvas, with annotation in pencil and ink, medium in detail, in good condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: A0. - Field sheet for Morgan, P.G.; Bartrum, J.A. 1915 The geology and mineral resources of the Buller-Mokihinui subdivision, Westport division. Wellington: Government Printer. New...Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 10 September 2020 -
N18/N22 Waipoua Geology and fossil compilation
GNS ScienceMap on transparency, with annotation in pencil and ink, rich in detail, in excellent condition. Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: A1. Keywords: WAIPOUA; GEOLOGY; FOSSILS; WAIMA RIVER (NORTHLAND); WAIPOUA RIVER (NORTHLAND); TUTAMOE (HOKIANGA)Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 10 August 2020 -
Marokopa N82
GNS ScienceMap on transparency, with annotation in ink, rich in detail, in excellent condition. - Observation measure: mainly interpretation. - Map size: A1. Keywords: MAROKOPA; GEOLOGIC MAPS; MAROKOPA RIVER; WAIKAWAU (WAIKATO); MANGAOTAKICreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
QMAP 8 Hawke's Bay. U20 Kaweka. Compilation sheet
GNS ScienceThis is a working unpublished document based on the NZMS260 Map Series, and is a precursor to the publication of QMAP geological map 8 Hawke's Bay. Geological map on transparency, with handwritten annotations in pencil, rich in detail, in excellent condition. - Observation measure: interpretation only. - Map size: A1. Keywords: HAWKE'S BAY; QMAP;...Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Marokopa N82
GNS ScienceMap on ammonia print, with annotation in pencil and ink, rich in detail, in excellent condition. - Observation measure: mainly interpretation. - Map size: A1. Keywords: MAROKOPA; GEOLOGIC MAPS; MAROKOPA RIVER; WAIKAWAU (WAIKATO); MANGAOTAKICreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020
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