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7,045 datasets found
Insolvency Statistics
Ministry of Business, Innovation and EmploymentThe Insolvency and Trustee Service (ITS) is a business unit of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. ITS is also called the Official Assignee's Office. The Official Assignee is appointed under the State Sector Act 1988 to administer the Insolvency Act 2006, the insolvency provisions of the Companies Act 1993 and the Criminal Proceeds...Created 29 July 2020 • Updated 9 November 2021 -
Office of the Privacy Commissioner Chief Executive Expenses
Privacy CommissionerOffice of the Privacy Commissioner Declaration of Expenses for the year ending 30 June 2019Created 1 March 2017 • Updated 30 July 2021 -
Protected species bycatch in New Zealand fisheries
Ministry for Primary IndustriesSeabirds, marine mammals, and turtles are caught during commercial fishing operations. In order to monitor the impacts of fishing on these species, government observers on fishing vessels record any protected species bycatch incidents that occur. Observer data on protected species captures are maintained by the Ministry for Primary Industries, with...Created 10 April 2017 • Updated 15 October 2020 -
Government Communications Security Bureau Chief Executive expenses
Government Communications Security BureauGCSB Chief Executive ExpensesCreated 27 February 2017 • Updated 31 July 2020 -
Middle Clarence Valley. Field sheet
GNS ScienceTopographic map on ammonia print, with handwritten annotations in pencil and ink, sparse in detail, in fair condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B0. Keywords: CLARENCE VALLEY; GEOLOGIC MAPS; CLARENCE RIVER; BLUFF HILL; DUBIOUS STREAM; BLUFF RIVER; GENTLE ANNIE STREAMCreated 10 July 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
Naseby subdivision. Sheet 65D. Blackstone survey district SE. Field sheet
GNS ScienceMap on heavy paper, with annotation in pencil and ink, rich in detail, in good condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B1. - Field sheet for Williamson, J.H. 1939 The geology of the Naseby subdivision, Central Otago. Wellington: Government Printer. New Zealand Geological Survey bulletin 39. 141 p.....Created 10 July 2020 • Updated 10 July 2020 -
QMAP 10 Wellington. Te Horo. Compilation sheet
GNS ScienceThis is a working unpublished document based on the NZMS260 Map Series, and is a precursor to the publication of QMAP geological map 10 Wellington. Map, pencil on transparency, medium detail, in excellent condition. - Observation measure: interpretation only. - Map size: B2. Keywords: TE HORO; QMAP; STRUCTURAL GEOLOGYCreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Buller Coalfield Sheet 2 Seddonville. Structure contours
GNS ScienceMap on transparency, with annotation in pencil, rich in detail, in excellent condition. Observation measure: mainly interpretation. - Map Size: A0. - Compilation sheets for Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences geological map 23 Geology of the Buller Coalfield by Simon Nathan. Keywords: BULLER COALFIELD; GEOLOGIC MAPS; MOKIHINUI RIVER;...Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
S134/6 Scrubby Gully. Compilation sheet
GNS ScienceMap on ammonia print, with annotation in pencil and ink, rich in detail, in excellent condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: A1. Keywords: CENTRAL OTAGO; SCRUBBY GULLY (IDA VALLEY); GEOLOGIC MAPS; IDA VALLEY; NORTH ROUGH RIDGE; IDA BURNCreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Auckland. Field sheet N47/5
GNS ScienceMap, ink and pencil on paper, rich in detail, in good condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B3. - Coordinates give rough placement only. Keywords: AUCKLAND; REGIONAL GEOLOGY; GEOLOGIC MAPSCreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Te Haroto V19D Sheet 4. Field sheet
GNS ScienceMap on transparency, with annotation in ink, rich in detail, in excellent condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B1. Keywords: TE HAROTO; GEOLOGIC MAPS; MOHAKA RIVER; MAUNGAHARURU RANGE; MANGAROA STREAM (NAPIER)Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Geological map of the Kumara Anticline Sheet 4. Field sheet
GNS ScienceGeological map on ammonia paper, with annotation in pencil, medium in detail, in good condition. Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: A0 - Sheet 4 of 4. Keywords: KUMARA; ANTICLINES; GEOLOGIC MAPS; ARAHURA RIVER; KANIERE RIVER; HUMPHREYS; KAWHAKA CREEK (HOKITIKA)Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Makarau. Field sheet 2
GNS ScienceTopographic map on transparency, with handwritten annotations in ink and pencil, rich in detail, in excellent condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B1. - Published map Helensville and Whangaparaoa Q10 & R10 1:50 000. - Coordinates give rough placement only. Keywords: MAKARAU; REGIONAL GEOLOGYCreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Motumaoho. Field sheet
GNS ScienceMap, ink and pencil on cotton canvas, rich in detail, in good condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B1. - Compilation of published map Ngaruawahia 1:63 360. Keywords: MOTUMAOHO; REGIONAL GEOLOGY; GEOLOGIC MAPSCreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Dun Mountain subdivision - Waimea survey district SE. Field sheet
GNS ScienceMap on heavy paper, with annotation in pencil and ink, rich in detail, in good condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: A0. - Field sheet for Bell, J.M.; Clarke, E. de C.; Marshall, P. 1911 The geology of the Dun Mountain Subdivision, Nelson. Wellington: Government Printer. New Zealand Geological Survey...Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
QMAP 17 Fiordland. B45 Cameron. Marine terraces sheet
GNS ScienceThis is a working unpublished document based on the NZMS260 Map Series, and is a precursor to the publication of QMAP geological map 17 Fiordland. Map, pencil on transparency, sparse in detail, good condition. - Observation measure: Interpretation only. - Map size: 500 x 700 mm. Keywords: FIORDLAND; QMAP; GEOLOGIC MAPS; CAMERON MOUNTAINS; MARINE TERRACES;...Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Tiniroto. Field sheet
GNS ScienceTopographic map on paper, rich in detail, in fair condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: A0. - Corporate author originally indexed as Oil Co.. Keywords: TINIROTO; GEOLOGIC MAPSCreated 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Wellington R27C field sheet
GNS ScienceMap on ammonia print, rich in detail, in good condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B1. - Field sheet for Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences geological map. 22 "Geology of the Wellington area : sheets R27, R28, and part Q27, scale 1:50,000. - Includes detailed structural data. Keywords:...Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Te Haroto V19B Sheet 2. Field sheet
GNS ScienceMap on ammonia print, with annotation in pencil, medium in detail, in good condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B1. Keywords: TE HAROTO; GEOLOGIC MAPS; TE HOE RIVER; MANGAHOUANGA STREAM; MANGAHOPAI STREAM (HAWKES BAY)Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020 -
Cobb - Cobb Reservoir. Field sheet 1
GNS ScienceContour map on paper, with handwritten annotations in ink and pencil, rich in detail, in fair condition. - Observation measure: equal parts interpretation and observation. - Map size: B0. - Colour-up. - Field sheets for Grindley, G.W. 1980 Geological map of New Zealand 1:63,360 Sheet S13 Cobb. 1st ed. Wellington: Department of Scientific and Industrial...Created 8 July 2020 • Updated 8 July 2020
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