26 datasets found

  • Ministry of Justice Chief Executive expenses

    Ministry of Justice
    Ministry of Justice Chief Executive expenses
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 31 July 2024
  • Justice Sector Forecast: Fines and Remittals

    Ministry of Justice
    This projection is published on our website: https://www.justice.govt.nz/justice-sector-policy/research-data/justice-sector-projections/ This document presents a summary of the following components of the Justice Sector Forecast: Amount, in dollars, of fines imposed for police-prosecuted cases in the criminal courts; Amount, in dollars, of fines received...
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 3 September 2023
  • Justice sector forecast: Corrections non-custodial sentences and orders

    Ministry of Justice
    This projection is published on our website: https://www.justice.govt.nz/justice-sector-policy/research-data/justice-sector-projections/ This component of the Justice Sector Forecast projects a range of quantities managed by the Department of Corrections, specifically: Numbers of non-custodial sentences and orders. Forecasts are presented for both numbers...
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 3 September 2023
  • Finalised charges and convicted charges

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of finalised charges and convicted charges, by offence type (ANZSOC division, subdivision and group), court, charge outcome and most serious sentence. This includes some information from 1980 onwards.
    Created 23 April 2019 Updated 3 September 2023
  • People with finalised charges (including convicted charges)

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of people with finalised charges (including convicted charges), by offence type (ANZSOC division), charge outcome, court, most serious sentence, age, gender and ethnicity. This includes some information from 1980 onwards.
    Created 4 May 2018 Updated 3 September 2023
  • People charged and convicted of driving under the influence

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Also includes number of people with orders for alcohol interlock devices. By charge outcome, most serious sentence, court, age, gender and ethnicity.
    Created 4 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • People charged and convicted of drug offences

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of drug offences. By drug type, offence type (ANZSOC subdivision), charge outcome, most serious sentence, court, age, gender and ethnicity. Includes number of instances people were convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for drug offences only.
    Created 4 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • People charged and convicted of family violence offences

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of family violence offences including 'breach of protection order', 'common assault (domestic)', 'male assaults female', 'assualt on a family member', 'strangulation/suffocation', and 'coercion into marriage/civil union'. By family violence offence type, charge outcome, most serious...
    Created 4 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • People charged and convicted of psychoactive substances offences

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of psychoactive substances (“synthetic drug” or "synthetic cannabis") offences, by charge outcome, most serious sentence, court, age, gender and ethnicity.
    Created 4 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • People discharged without conviction

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and people discharged without conviction, by offence type (ANZSOC division), court, age, gender and ethnicity.
    Created 6 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • People found unfit to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of people found unfit to stand trial or not guilty by reason of insanity. By offence type (ANZSOC division), age, gender and ethnicity.
    Created 6 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • Protection Order applications

    Ministry of Justice
    Information includes the type of applications filed, outcomes, temporary Protection Orders granted, applications involving children, court locations and the age, gender and ethnicity of applicants and respondents.
    Created 6 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • People charged and convicted of Harmful Digital Communications Act offences

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of Harmful Digital Communications Act offences. By charge outcome, most serious sentence, court, age, gender and ethnicity.
    Created 4 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • People charged and convicted of sexual offences

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of sexual offences. By victim type (e.g. children under 16 years), offence type (e.g. rape), charge outcome, most serious sentence, court, and age, gender and ethnicity of the offender.
    Created 4 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • Children adopted

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of adoption applications filed and granted, court locations, and the age and gender of children adopted.
    Created 6 May 2018 Updated 30 September 2019
  • Children and young people with charges finalised in the Youth Court

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of children and young people (aged 10 - 16 years) with charges finalised in the Youth Court, by offence type (ANZSOC division), charge outcome, court, most serious order, age, gender and ethnicity.
    Created 23 April 2019 Updated 30 September 2019
  • Children and young people with charges finalised in any court

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of children and young people (aged 10 - 16 years) with charges finalised in any court (including the Youth, District and High Court), by offence type (ANZSOC division), charge outcome, court, most serious order, age, gender and ethnicity.
    Created 23 April 2019 Updated 30 September 2019
  • People charged and convicted of homicide offences

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of charges and number of people charged and convicted of homicide offences, including murder, attempted murder, manslaughter and driving causing death. By charge outcome, most serious sentence, gender, ethnicity and age.
    Created 23 April 2019 Updated 30 September 2019
  • Three strikes offences

    Ministry of Justice
    These tables include information on people sentenced for serious violent offences which are subject to warnings or maximum sentences under the Sentencing Act 2002. The process covered by sections 86A - 86I of the Act is commonly known as "three strikes". Stage-1 offence ('first strike') - a first warning is issued when a person aged 18 or over at the time...
    Created 23 April 2019 Updated 30 September 2019
  • Legal Aid grants

    Ministry of Justice
    The number of legal aid grants for criminal, family, civil and Waitangi Tribunal by region, amount of legal aid expenditure and gender, ethnicity and age of people granted legal aid.
    Created 23 April 2019 Updated 30 September 2019
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