5 datasets found

  • Gaming machine statistics [no longer maintained]

    Department of Internal Affairs
    This dataset shows the numbers and types of societies licensed to operate approved gaming machines at approved venues on that day. It does not include any gaming machines, societies or venues that were, or may become, the subject of an amendment or new application to operate gaming machines and were therefore unlicensed on the date shown. Includes gaming...
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 9 November 2020
  • Women's Franchise Petitions 1892 and 1893

    Department of Internal Affairs
    When Governor Glasgow signed the Electoral Bill on 19 September 1893, New Zealand became the first self-governing nation in the world where women had won the right to vote. The Bill was the outcome of years of meetings in towns and cities across the country, with women often traveling considerable distances to hear lectures and speeches, pass resolutions...
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 10 July 2019
  • Lottery Grants Board Outdoor Safety grant recipients

    Department of Internal Affairs
    Recipients of Lottery Grants Board Outdoor Safety grants.
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 10 April 2017
  • Lottery Grants Board Health Research grant recipients

    Department of Internal Affairs
    Recipients of Lottery Grants Board Health Research grants
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 10 April 2017
  • Annual Forecast of Passport Issuance Volumes

    Department of Internal Affairs
    The annual reports below provide forecasts for NZ Passport Issuance Volumes for each Financial year, with extended forecasts for future years to aid strategic planning. The reports are prepared by the highly regarded statistician Jean Thompson, of JAD associates. The data is compiled from a number of variables including population statistics, observed...
    Created 10 April 2017 Updated 10 April 2017
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