8,351 datasets found

  • NZ Land Districts

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides Land District shapes and their name. A Land District is an administrative area that all titles and surveys were registered against prior to Landonline. It is required to uniquely identify survey and title records created prior to Landonline.
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Elevation Survey Index

    Land Information New Zealand
    The NZ Elevation Survey Index dataset provides an index to all LiDAR derived elevation datasets found on the LINZ Data Service. Each record in the dataset provides both a geometry of the extent of the elevation survey, as well as useful metadata attributes. The extents are derived from the maximum extent of DEM and DSM coverage and consist of full...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Property Title Estates List

    Land Information New Zealand
    This table provides registered (or current) Record of Title estate data. A Title estate is a type of ownership of a piece of land e.g. fee simple estate, leasehold estate. Estates are used to link the registered owners to the Record of Title. A Record of Title can have more than one estate and type. This data enables linking between the title information...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Coastlines and Islands Polygons (Topo 1:50k)

    Land Information New Zealand
    This provides a polygon coastline and islands layer which is based on the Topo50 products. It is a combination of the following layers: NZ Coastlines (Topo 1:50k) NZ Island Polygons (Topo 1:50k) NZ Auckland Is Island Polygons (Topo, 1:50k) NZ Campbell Is / Motu Ihupuku Island Polygons (Topo, 1:50k) NZ Antipodes Is Island Polygons (Topo, 1:25k) NZ Kermadec...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Roads Subsections (Addressing)

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This layer provides linear geometries against which official road names and street addresses can be recorded. Its purpose is also to enable automated meshblock address reports (for electoral and statistical purposes) so as to identify the presence of a road name in meshblocks where street addresses do not exist. A linear geometry in this...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • LINZ Managed Crown Property

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer includes all Crown Land and Properties managed by LINZ which have been identified spatially and can include properties managed by LINZ on behalf of other agencies. The attributes in this dataset are derived from the National Property and Land Information System (NaPALIS), which is a centralised database for all Land Information New Zealand...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Protected Survey Marks

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer identifies critical survey marks which LINZ requires to be physically protected. Thousands of vital survey marks exist in New Zealand. Many of them are below or at ground level and not noticed by most of us. People involved in construction work are responsible for making sure survey marks are not damaged. When building works have the potential...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • Protected Areas

    Land Information New Zealand
    This Protected Area Layer contains land and marine areas, most of which are administered by the Department of Conservation Te Papa Atawhai (DOC) and are protected by the Conservation, Reserves, National Parks, Marine Mammal and Marine Reserves Acts. All of the areas have been identified spatially. The attributes in this dataset are derived from the...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Property Titles List

    Land Information New Zealand
    This table provides information on Records of Title that are live and part-cancelled. This table contains top level, general title data only, such as the title number, type (e.g. Freehold, Unit Title, Cross Lease etc) and status. A Record of Title is a record of a property's owners, legal description and the rights and responsibilities registered against...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Non-Primary Parcels

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides the current non-primary parcel polygons (e.g. easements) and some associated descriptive data that details the appellation (legal description), purpose, and size. A non-primary parcel is a portion of land that that essentially enables the transfer of some rights to another i.e. usually limits the exclusive rights that would normally be...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Primary Road Parcels

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides the current road parcel polygons with associated descriptive data. The combination of this layer with the other land parcels and hydro parcels equates to the primary parcels layer which provides all current parcels for New Zealand (i.e. excludes historic and pending parcels). This set of three parcel layers (land, hydro and road)...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Survey Boundary Vectors

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides the latest bearing (direction) and/or distance for cadastral boundaries. When a cadastral survey is undertaken the relationship between boundary and non-boundary marks is ascertained or measured. • This commonly is in the form or a vector (bearing and distance), but occasionally just one component. • Some relationships are defined as...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Roads (Addressing)

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This dataset provides linear geometries against which official road names and street addresses can be recorded. Its purpose is also to enable automated meshblock address reports (for electoral and statistical purposes) so as to identify the presence of a road name in meshblocks where street addresses do not exist. For this dataset (as opposed...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Roads: Road Section Geometry

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read: This is the table for Road Section Geometry, which is part of the set of NZ Roads tables. The Road Section Geometry table stores the linear geometry for the associated road section, or part of the associated road section. The NZ Roads dataset includes eight data tables and eleven lookup tables. The dataset has been sourced from LINZ’s NZ...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Survey Boundary Marks

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides the latest captured boundary mark information that defines existing parcel boundaries and associated information such as the mark name. A boundary mark is on a node which defines the boundaries of primary parcels or non primary parcels. Not all boundary points have a physical monument (e.g. a peg) placed. In this case the boundary mark...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Contours (Topo, 1:50k)

    Land Information New Zealand
    An imaginary line that connects points of equal height value eg the elevation of the land surface above or below a vertical datum, in this case of LINZ topographic mapping, this is Mean Sea Level. Data Dictionary for contour: https://docs.topo.linz.govt.nz/data-dictionary/tdd-class-contour.html This layer is a component of the Topo50 map series. The...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Building Outlines

    Land Information New Zealand
    This dataset provides current outlines of buildings within mainland New Zealand captured from the latest aerial imagery. A building outline is a 2D representation of the roof outline of a building which has been classified from LINZ aerial imagery using a combination of automated and manual processes to extract and refine a building roof outline. Building...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Primary Land Parcels

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides the current land parcel polygons with associated descriptive data and is provided for users that require a separation of road parcels and hydro parcels and thereby require the balance layer (i.e. the remaining primary parcels). The combination of this layer with the road parcels and hydro parcels equates to the primary parcels layer...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Street Address

    Land Information New Zealand
    Please read:This dataset provides all allocated addresses as advised to LINZ by Territorial Authorities (TAs). Under the Local Government Act 1974 (section 319) it is the responsibility of the TAs to advise LINZ (the Surveyor General) of all allocated addresses in their district. See below for details. This dataset contains the core components of an...
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
  • NZ Parcels

    Land Information New Zealand
    This layer provides all cadastral parcel polygons and some associated descriptive data that details the appellation (legal description), purpose, size and a list of titles that have an interest in the parcel. NOTE: This layer contains primary and non-primary approved, current or historic linear parcels (see status flag descriptions for more information)....
    Created 30 September 2020 Updated 30 September 2020
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).