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151 datasets found
Fetal and Infant Deaths 2013
Ministry of HealthThese tables present a summary of fetal and infant deaths, with a focus on deaths and stillbirths registered in 2013 with the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry (BDM). Information presented includes demographic information (eg, ethnicity and sex), cause of death, gestation and birthweight, as well as deaths classified as sudden infant death syndrome...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Fetal and Infant Deaths 2012
Ministry of HealthThese tables present a summary of fetal and infant deaths, with a focus on deaths and stillbirths registered in 2012 with the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry (BDM).Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Privately funded hospital discharges – 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015
Ministry of HealthThese tables contain summarised data showing privately funded hospital discharges and procedures by DHB, sex, age group and disease/procedure classification. The data is provided in static table, pivot table and data table format.\r\n\r\nPlease note that the private hospital data included in this report is not complete, as not all private hospitals report...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Tier 1 statistics 2016/17: New Zealand Health Survey
Ministry of HealthThese online tables cover the most important statistics (Tier 1) from the 2016/17 New Zealand Health Survey. The statistics included are: self-rated health, smoking (current), past-year drinking, hazardous drinking, obesity, mental health status (psychological distress), unmet need for GP due to cost, unfilled prescription due to cost.\r\nCreated 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Suicide Facts: 2015 data
Ministry of HealthIn New Zealand, a death is only officially classified as suicide by the coroner on completion of the coroner’s inquiry. Only those deaths determined as ‘intentionally self-inflicted’ after the inquiry will receive a final verdict of suicide.\r\n\r\nThis 2015 data is provisional. The Ministry of Health publishes the number of suicides that have been...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
New cancer registrations 2015
Ministry of HealthThese annually published interactive tables and graphs provide high-level data on cancer registrations in 2015. They include information about the most common cancers registered and breakdowns by common demographic variablesCreated 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
New Zealand Maternity Clinical Indicators 2016
Ministry of HealthThis report presents comparative maternity interventions and outcomes data for pregnant women and their babies by maternity facility and district health board region. It presents 20 indicators that reflect care during pregnancy and the postnatal period, severe maternal morbidity and outcomes for babies at birth.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Mortality 2015 data tables
Ministry of HealthThese tables contain information on the underlying causes of all deaths registered in New Zealand in 2015. A �Quick facts� section also includes information on rates of death by ethnicity and selected causes of mortality.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Fetal and Infant Deaths 2013
Ministry of HealthThese tables present a summary of fetal and infant deaths, with a focus on deaths and stillbirths registered in 2013 with the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry (BDM). Information presented includes demographic information (eg, ethnicity and sex), cause of death, gestation and birthweight, as well as deaths classified as sudden infant death syndrome...Created 16 July 2017 • Updated 2 November 2017 -
Certified health care providers
Ministry of HealthCertified rest homes, hospitals and fertility clinics around New Zealand.Created 10 July 2017 • Updated 20 July 2017 -
Suicide Facts: Deaths and intentional self-harm hospitalisations 2013
Ministry of HealthThis annual statistical publication presents suicide information received from the New Zealand Mortality Collection, and admissions to hospital for intentional self-harm sourced from the New Zealand National Minimum Dataset.Created 16 July 2017 • Updated 18 July 2017
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