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151 datasets found
Tatau Kahukura: Māori Health Chart Book 2015, 3rd edition
Ministry of HealthTatau Kahukura: Māori Health Chart Book 2015 (3rd Edition) presents a snapshot of the health of Māori compared with non-Māori. The chart book presents key indicators relating to the socioeconomic determinants of health, risk and protective factors for health, health status, health service use and the health system.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Mortality and Demographic Data 2012
Ministry of HealthThis publication contains facts, mortality rates, trends and major causes of death by age group, sex, ethnicity and district health board for deaths registered in 2012. Cancer, ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, motor vehicle accidents, suicide and maternal deaths are analysed and reviewed in more detail. Where possible,...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Problem Gambling - Intervention client data
Ministry of HealthThe intervention client data represents the number of clients who have received problem gambling treatment services and who have identified to the service provider a primary problem gambling mode causing them significant harm. The data available represents a snapshot at a point in time. The reported statistics are subject to slight variation as the...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Tier 1 statistics 2014/15: New Zealand Health Survey
Ministry of HealthThese tables cover the most important statistics (Tier 1) from the 2014/15 New Zealand Health Survey. The statistics included are: self-rated health, smoking (current), past-year drinking, hazardous drinking, obesity, mental health status (psychological distress), unmet need for GP due to cost and unfilled prescription due to cost.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Mortality 2013 online tables (provisional)
Ministry of HealthThese tables contain provisional information on the underlying causes of all deaths registered in New Zealand in 2013. A 'Quick facts' section also includes information on rates of death by ethnicity and selected causes of mortality. Most information is broken down by age, sex, ethnicity, district health board and ICD-10-AM chapters, subgroups and three...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Tobacco Trends 2008: A brief update of tobacco use in New Zealand: Online data tables
Ministry of HealthAll New Zealand Tobacco Use Survey (NZTUS) 2008 results presented in this report and some additional results are available in Excel format. Within each spreadsheet, there are separate tabs along the bottom of the spreadsheet for each topic. Simply click on the topic tab of interest and you will see tables for the selected topic including (where possible):...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Privately Funded Hospital Discharges - 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009
Ministry of HealthThis statistical information contains national data in tabular form, detailing the numbers of privately funded patients discharged from, and procedures carried out in both public and private hospitals.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Privately funded hospital discharges - 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012
Ministry of HealthThese tables contain national data detailing the numbers of privately funded patients discharged from, and procedures carried out in both public and private hospitals.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Privately funded hospital discharges - 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010
Ministry of HealthThis statistical information contains national data in tabular form, detailing the numbers of privately funded patients discharged from, and procedures carried out in both public and private hospitals. Please note that the private hospital data included in this report is not complete, as not all private hospitals report their data to the Ministry of Health.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Privately funded hospital discharges - 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008
Ministry of HealthThis statistical data contains national data in tabular form, detailing the numbers of privately funded patients discharged from, and procedures carried out in both public and private hospitalsCreated 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Privately funded hospital discharges - 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007
Ministry of HealthThis statistical data contains national data in tabular form, detailing the numbers of privately funded patients discharged from, and procedures carried out in both public and private hospitalsCreated 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Privately Funded Hospital Discharges - 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011
Ministry of HealthThis statistical information contains national data in tabular form, detailing the numbers of privately funded patients discharged from, and procedures carried out in both public and private hospitals.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Privately funded hospital discharges - 1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014
Ministry of HealthThese tables contain summarised data showing privately funded hospital discharges and procedures by DHB, sex, age group and disease/procedure classification. The same data is available in three different formats: Static tables: Formatted tables so you can view national data easily and read the key findings. Pivot tables: Flexible tables that you can...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Regional results from the 2011-2013 New Zealand Health Survey
Ministry of HealthThese data tables give regional estimates for 20 District Health Boards (DHBs) and 12 Public Health Units (PHUs) for both adults and children. Where available, time trends from 2006/07 are also presented allowing comparisons to be made over time. These regional results are based on data from the 2011/12 and 2012/13 New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS).Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Regional results from the 2011-2014 New Zealand Health Survey
Ministry of HealthThis regional release provides key results from the 2011-14 New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) data at District Health Board (DHB) and Public Health Unit (PHU) level. Regional statistics for adults and children are provided for all 20 DHBs and 12 PHUs. These regional statistics supplement the report Annual update of key results 2013/14: New Zealand Health...Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Report on Maternity, 2012
Ministry of HealthThis report is the latest release in the Report on Maternity series, which provides health statistics about women giving birth, their pregnancy and childbirth experience, and the characteristics of live-born babies in New Zealand. The focus of this report is on women who gave birth, and the babies who were born, in 2012.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Report on Maternity, 2010
Ministry of HealthReport on Maternity, 2010 summarises the maternal and newborn information stored in the National Maternity Collection. This collection uses two administrative sources of data: hospital discharge data from the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS) and information on primary community events from lead maternity carer (LMC) claim forms.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Publicly funded hospital discharges - 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010
Ministry of HealthThis statistical information contains national data in tabular form, detailing the numbers of publicly funded patients discharged, diagnoses and numbers of procedures carried out in both public and private hospitals.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Publicly Funded Hospital Discharges - 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011
Ministry of HealthThis statistical information contains national data in tabular form, detailing the numbers of publicly funded patients discharged, diagnoses and numbers of procedures carried out in both public and private hospitals.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018 -
Publicly funded hospital discharges - 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006
Ministry of HealthThis statistical data contains national data in tabular form, detailing the numbers of publicly funded patients discharged, diagnoses and numbers of procedures carried out in both public and private hospitals.Created 21 May 2018 • Updated 21 May 2018
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