3 datasets found

  • Members of Parliament

    Parliamentary Service
    A list of all current members of Parliament. There are four resources: 1. A basic list of current MPs 2. A link to the NZ Parliament website's MP pages 3. A full list of all current and former members 4. A full list of current and former member terms (Electorate / List etc)
    Created 6 March 2017 Updated 1 July 2024
  • Marriage and Civil Union Celebrants register

    Department of Internal Affairs
    A dataset of registered marriage and civil union celebrants. Publicly available via https://celebrants.dia.govt.nz/. Updates will be posted quarterly so keep this in mind as this dataset may not reflect real time accurate information. The data contains the names of celebrants, along with whether they are registered for marriages and/or civil unions,...
    Created 26 July 2017 Updated 28 July 2021
  • WCC Grant Funding By Fund

    Wellington City Council
    Extracted 19 July 2017. Wellington City Council grant funds groups and individuals throughout the city for many different purposes, from holding events to strengthening heritage buildings. This dataset contains the last five years of grant applications, both those that were granted and those declined, the purpose of the grant, the financial details and...
    Created 27 July 2017 Updated 27 July 2017
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).